3 PINK Activities For Kids {to honor Breast Cancer Awareness Month}
This month is National Breast Cancer Awareness month. Going PINK is pretty well known these days. I always believe that there is one more person who can always be informed on the topic and the importance of early detection. By having yearly breast exams and starting yearly mammograms at age 40 you are increasing the chances for early detection should there be a problem to find.
I do not plan to make this post long and drawn out. I do want to take a moment not just to bring awareness to the disease, but to those that have been affected by this, and for those that are no longer here. For every word you read in this post, there is a family out there with one less loved one due to a battle with cancer that was not won. Today I dedicate this post to them. May your loved ones never be forgotten.
Today I share our 3 color PINK posts we have in honor of breast cancer awareness month.
Pink Snail Craft by FSPDT

Pinkalicious and the Pink Pumpkin Book and Craft by FSPDT

Link with information on Cancer:
http://www.cancer.org/cancer/breastcancer/moreinformation/national-breast-cancer-awareness-month Making Stides Against Breast Cancer http://www.cancer.org/involved/participate/makingstridesagainstbreastcancer/index
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It has effected my family! I love the sign you created to remember it.