Both my boys love these books: Alien Al and Dizzy Dragon by Priddy Books. My oldest now 3yr started out with the Alien Al book at age 1yr and loved it and still enjoys it. My youngest son now 1yr has really started to get to enjoy Alien Al. We just added the Dizzy Dragon and both boys love it too. There are 2 more books in this series and my oldest told me today we had to get those too! He said mommy and daddy needed their own book now that he and little brother had their own. Love the reasoning behind this,lol. These books have a cute story but it is the touch and feel as well as the lights and sound they have that grab the attention of my kids. We love books over here as many families do and always enjoy finding new ones to add to our collection. What are some of your favorites?
Alien Al and Dizzy Dragon by Priddy Books-with alien and dragon crafts
Here are links for some cute and fun alien and dragon crafts.
Link for alien coloring pages
We did 2 crafts:
An alien
and a dragon
The Alien
What you need for the alien:
a Kleenex box or food box(we used a pop tart box, paper or paint,googly eyes, pipe cleaners, pom poms etc… to decorate.
What to do:
cover the box with paper or paint, then let the kids decorate with the googly eyes etc.. Then you will have an alien!
The Dragon
What you need:
a paper cup or tp roll would work, streamers, puff balls, puff paint, tape and hot glue gun.
What to do:
cut out bottom of cup and tape in streams to make the fire. Then take the pom poms and paint on the eyes-let dry. When the eyes are dry hot glue the to the cup. Now you have a fire breathing dragon for the kids to have fun with!
He was so happy to touch the eyes, lol. He got one off the counter earlier that day that was wet and had paint all over his hands and it ended up in his hair. I found him with it and told him oh no it is wet, we don’t touch that right now. So when it came time to touch he was thrilled!!!
He really enjoyed breathing fire from the dragon!
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Oh my I LOVE the dragon! What a fun idea. The blowing bit must be just brilliant. I think we will have to make one!
Thank you for sharing on Kids Get Crafty!
Maggy & Alissa