Apple Clean Mud Fall Sensory Play for Kids
Apple Clean Mud Fall Sensory Play for Kids
What I used:
Apple berry dish soap(wash up soap)
finger paint( red, green, and yellow)
apple erasers
gold sequins
toilet paper
We made it just like our Red, White, and Blue Clean Mud~ NO Ivory Soap Recipe.
I got out out our tray from our Lets Dish play dishes from B Toys. I filled it with apple clean mud. Added some more play dishes and the apple erasers. To top it off I added the sequins.
Now it was time to play. This is a great hands on activity for the kids. A little messy but not bad.
My 3yr wanted to start by gathering all the sequins in a cup. My 1.5yr went straight in with his hands to test it out. It has a squishy texture he was not sure of.
This is a great opened ended activity. I gave them the tray and the kids took over. They played as they wanted. I do stay with them to supervise but I do not tell them what to do. They play as they see fit.
My 5.5yr came a check it out for a few minutes. He was eager to get into another sensory play activity he found in the freezer, lol. We do not keep food on hand but we do have sensory play items in the freezer.
If you are not familiar with clean mud see more posts here:
Rainbow Clean Mud
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