Baking Soda Science and Color Mixing

My kids love the simple science activity of baking soda and vinegar. Big brother has tried it a few times but little brother had yet to really get a chance to enjoy it.  I set out to change that one afternoon by setting them up a baking soda activity.  I wanted to mix it up a bit so I added in a little Kool- Aid color mixing while they played.
Baking Soda Science and Color Mixing

Baking Soda Science and Color Mixing

What we used:

plastic bin

plastic bowl

measuring cups and droppers

baking soda


Kool – aid

Baking Soda Science and Color Mixing

What we did:

We put baking soda in the bottom of the bin.  We used 2 small boxes.  

Baking Soda Science and Color Mixing

I filled a bowl with white vinegar and sat it next to the bin of the baking soda.

Baking Soda Science and Color Mixing
I sprinkled yellow Kool-Aid over the baking soda first.  They went to dropping vinegar on it and watching the FIZZY action.
Baking Soda Science and Color Mixing

I then sprinkled blue Kool-Aid over it and they went back to dropping and dumping vinegar over it.  Now they had blue and yellow in the bin.  Soon it was hands in and they mixed it all around.  This resulted in a color mixing activity.  The result of yellow and blue is GREEN.  They kids just loved this.  I loved that they had so much fun with this simple science activity.

Baking Soda Science and Color Mixing
We did this in the house and it was a little messy but not extreme.  On a nice day taking this outside could be even better.  The kids went to the bath after this and I wiped up the table and floor.  I had to come back that night and mop.  The hardwood floors had a baking soda film on them but it cleaned up fine. I guess I could have even put the bin in the bottom of a dry tub and let them play.  Baking soda is great for cleaning tubs.  They could have played and washed the tub all at the same time.  That is an idea for next time.
Hope you can enjoy this too.
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20 Simple Science Experiments Kids Love
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