Balloon Print Minion Craft

My kids loved the Minion movie that came out this summer.  We made a fingerprint minion craft a while back and the kids enjoyed it.  When we got some balloons out for another print project it just seemed too hard to pass up making a minion too.  The balloon print minion craft is easy and fun.  Now we have Stuart, Kevin, and Bob hanging on the art wall.  Baby brother smiles and points every time he walks by them.  I think he might be the biggest fan in the house.




Minion Craft



Balloon Print Minion Craft



Supplies/what we used:

yellow paint




white cardstock


paper plate


black and gray sharpie


googly eyes



How to make/what we did:


I added yellow paint to a paper plate.  Next I blew up a balloon.  Now my kids came in and dipped the balloon in the paint and made balloon prints on the paper.  These little circles were great to make minions out of.




We added googly eyes while the paint was still wet.  Even the wet paint would not hold the googly eye on so we added glue under the eye and they stuck.  Now we just had to wait for it all to dry.




Once dry you can go back and add gray circle as goggles and blue lines as straps. Now we had Stuart, Kevin, and Bob print art to hang on the wall again.  I have a feeling some little boy might end up with a minion birthday party this fall. He just loves all things minion.


This craft was fun and easy to make with the kids.  We look forward to more craft time in the future.


balloon print minion


More posts to check out:


Minions Activities and Crafts for Kids

Minions Activities and Crafts for Kids

Fun Minion Treat For Kids



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