Bird Seed Sensory Bin

Bird Seed Sensory Bin
My boys LOVE bird seed to play in and to make bird feeders.  Playing with bird seed is one of our go to activities.  My toddler even got a giant bag of bird seed just for his birthday so he could play in it.  I must say the birds around here are not complaining because once the boys get through playing we just sweep the porch off.  Some of the seed does stay behind on the porch.  Because of this, we often get birds right up close to look at from our glass doors.  It is so exciting to the kids to see the birds up close.

Bird Seed Sensory Bin

What I used:
bird seed, trucks, shovels, signs and trees from our train table, and medium size storage bins( we got ours at walmart).
What I did:
I added bird seed to both bins.  Then I added the toys in for the kids. Last, I set it all out for the kids to play with.  Easy Peasy!  Now they can learn through sight, smell, and touch.
Bird Seed Sensory Bin
They couldn’t wait to get in their bird seed sensory bins and play.  They had so much fun.  This is messy so you may want to play with them in the yard.  Our porch was covered in bird seed.  I just swept it off.  The little that was left brought us a few close encounters with our feathered friends.  The kids just loved seeing the birds through our glass doors on the porch later that day once we had come back in for the night.  I must say I love watching the birds too. 
Bird Seed Sensory Bin
Well as always we hope you and your kids can have some fun with this too!
Other post you may like: 
10 Bird Feeders Kids Love
10 Sensory Play Activities Kids Love
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