Bring Your Own Sunshine {Graphic/Quote}
So I have been having too much fun making graphics (in all my free time,lol). Really it is a nice change for me from all the picture editing and post writing and social media sharing… Before I started blogging I never though twice about downloading a picture from pinterst to share by text or Fb. Oh did I feel bad as I started to realize these images are copyrighted by the people who made them and it is up to them to let me share them. They all work hard on these and probably want them shared but not without recognition. There are more proper ways to share. On Fb when you see an image you like use the share button to share the photo to your timeline. This way the image is linked to the source and gives credit to the author. Be careful though. Often I see images shared the way I once thought it was ok to and they do not link back to the owner. If the image has a link, click on it to see if it takes you back to the source of the photo. You do not want to ever share or pin a google image. If you want to text someone try to text them the link to the image. On pinterest you always want to make sure the image you are pinning clicks back to the source. If you click on a pin and only the image comes up then it is a dead pin. This is not good. I still have a lot to learn but these are a few things I have come to understand.
So with all that said, I find it better for me to make a few of my own images that I can share without worrying and checking to see if they are credited back to the owner. I also make them in hopes that you can enjoy and use them in the proper way too. If you see my Fb post and like the image please hit the share button. If you are reading this post and want to pin the image please do so from here so that it comes back to me, the owner. Even if you would like to print and keep this image for your own use( meaning to put in your home or office and not sell..) please do.
When I saw this quote from Anthony J. D’Angelo it was a great quote for an image for me. This way I could look at it on a bad day and remember I can make my own sunshine. So as always I hope you can enjoy this too.
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