cardboard box tiny town

This summer create something one-of-a-kind. Something that no one else has or will ever have. Create your own cardboard box tiny town! Perfect for all those tiny toys that seem to multiply when you are not looking. We’ve been collecting and playing with Littlest Pet Shop toys for 7 years now and this was a super fun, new way to play with them!

Set the kids loose with some craft materials and a cardboard box and see what they come up with! This awesome cardboard box museum and hotel are perfect for all the kids' little toys!



cardboard box tiny town


What you will need for your cardboard box tiny town:


Cardboard boxes (we used ones that our Amazon shipments came in)

Basic craft supplies like: paper, craft foam, tape, glue, scissors and markers

My kids did these two tiny town buildings without any adult assistance. That makes them absolutely perfect for summer because there are times when I really need to get things done and can’t facilitate activities all the time.

The kids worked on them when it was too hot to go outside and these projects filled up most of the afternoons for a week.

I was surprised at some of the details that they thought to add.

Like the Mona Lisa in an art museum.

I guess they really did like that art museum that we went to a few months ago!

Bring famous works of art into playtime with this super awesome cardboard box museum for toys.

And I love how they figured out how to add dimension to the pictures by drawing with the hot glue gun (my kids are trusted with it, but if yours are too young, you may need to assist them) and then coloring over top of the glue with a permanent marker.

They also made a gallery of smaller pieces of art.

Create a cardboard box museum with just a few craft materials and a box!

I love how it showcases the different skill stages my girls are at. They included Picasso-style pictures, portraits, modern and freestyle pictures.

Then, they decided that people visiting the art museum would need a place to stay, so they created a hotel to go along with it.

Because of our extensive travels they know all the right things to include in a hotel. They have stayed in many!

They included a lobby, breakfast area, and guest rooms.

Make a hotel just right for tiny toys!

Complete with a super cute duct tape bed just the right size for their Polly Pocket dolls.

A sleeping bag fit for a tiny doll!

This summer, let your kids’ imaginations run wild and see what they can create with a cardboard box!
Kim is an 8-year homeschooling veteran of 4 daughters including a special needs preschooler. As a family, they have traveled the world and have been to 44 states, 2 Canadian Provinces and 7 countries including the Republic of Georgia where they lived for 9 years. Kim loves hands-on homeschooling and is always looking for ways to make school more fun! She blogs at Life Over C’s and Lime Green Living.




This is part of Awesome Summer Activities for Kids Series:

Color Mixing with Ice Cubes and Water

Science Experiments Water Displacement

7 Ways to Enjoy Science Outdoors

Awesome Summer Activities for Kids

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