Children Book List Archive

Thanksgiving Books Kids Will Love

  My kids love books and I do too.  Over the years we have never collected a lot of Thanksgiving themed books.  So last year I set out to fix that.  I ordered the kids a few new books.  This year we are still

The Best Halloween Books for Children

  We love books at our home as most families probably do.  We can never get enough of them and there is always a new book we want to read.  I often share a photo on my FB page of books we have and love.  Today

Beach Books For Kids

We love going to the beach in the summer months.  We are getting ready for an upcoming trip and I wanted to look for a few books for the kids about the beach.  I put together a list on Beach Books for Kids.  Hope

Apple Books for Children

I can not believe summer is gone and Fall is here!  I do love Fall.  One of the first things that comes to mind when I think of the beginning of Fall is Apples!  When my oldest child was little, he loved the book

The Ultimate Christmas Book List for Ages 2-6

We love books. And holiday books for some reason, always seem extra special.  Over the last few years we have been working on a Christmas book collection.  This year we had enough books to make a Book Advent Calendar out of them.  We still have many

Fall Books for Children

We love books and we love fall!  So what better than to go on a hunt for the best fall books for children out there.  We have many fall favorites already but we always enjoy adding a new book to our collection.  There are

Children Books About Bugs

We love books, that is no secret.  We have a growing home library of childrens books.  We are always look for new books to enjoy and add to our collection.  Summer is here for us and we have been outside enjoying the sunshine and

Bedtime Books for Kids

The kids and I will read just about any topic at bedtime but sometimes it is fun to just pull out good night books.  For a long time my 2nd son would have me read Llama Llama Red Pajama over and over until he

Little Critter Book List

Little Critter by Mercer Mayer was one of the first series by an author that my oldest fell in love with. We went from one book to about 40 in a year.  Little Critter is a boy who loves his family.  He goes through

Eric Carle Book Inspired Products for Kids

Happy Birthday Eric Carle!!  Today I am sharing a fun post dedicated to Carle inspired products.  Toys, lunch boxes, and more. I see a lot of things I want and the kids would love.  I can’t wait to have a wish list to come

Superhero Book List for kids

  We not only have a few Star Wars loving kids over her but Superheros are right up there too.  I recently sought out Star Wars Books for kids.  After I got through searching for those I moved on to Superhero books for kids.

Star Wars Books for Kids

    Star Wars and superheros are taking over my house.  As the mom to 3 boys it was only a matter of time before Disney and Handy Manny moved over to Star Wars…  If you follow the blog here then you know we

10+ Books For Toddlers

We love books at my house. So for this week’s 10 things Kids Love I am sharing toddler books. We have reading areas set up in most of the rooms in the house.  Reading areas can be as simple as a stack of books

Winter Book List for Children

  The first day of winter is coming fast.  We have had a few chilly days here this week. With the colder weather it makes it harder for us to get outside.  We are also on holiday break from school so I have been