Learning Activities Archive

Apple Number Match Up Activity

We have been having a wonderful summer!  I can not believe my kid’s just went back to school.  I am not ready for the early wake ups and extra busy days.  But I am excited about the Fall being right around the corner.  I

Number Learning Gross Motor Activity

I have 3 boys ages 1-5 yr and they never STOP!  I know all kids like to go, go, go but all kids are a little different too.  Mine never stay still and always like to be busy doing something.  I can not say much as they take after me.

Rainbow Inspired Activities for Kids

There is just something magical about rainbow inspired activities.  All those pretty colors in one place just makes me smile, lol. But rainbow activities for young kids are a great way for them to learn while playing.  There are so many amazing rainbow themed

Color Learning Activities Kids Will Love

COLORS, COLORS, COLORS! There are so many AMAZING coloring learning activity ideas around for children. Having hands on color activities for kids can make learning their colors so much more exciting.  Being able to get involved in color sorting or matching can be more interesting

Rainbow Straw Scissor Skills

All 3 of my kids LOVE bendy straws.  We keep them handy.  And of course bright colored bendy straws are even better. My 3.5yr is all about using scissors right now.  It is still a bit new to him and he always wants to

Rainbow Salt Writing Tray

It is time for this months All Things Kids Series. Spring Sensory Playdate Activities Series brought to you by a group of blogging moms that never fail to amaze me with their fun kids activities, crafts…     This month’s series is hosted by Sugar Aunts and

Stocking Number Match Up Activity

I love simple learning activities for my kids.  With 3 kids life is always busy.  So anything I can put together quickly and setup for them to do over and over again is great.  This stocking number match up activity was easy to setup

Color Sort Activity for Kids

I love finding simple activities that keep my kids busy.  Sometimes you just need a few minutes to put the clothes up, wash the juice cup, or maybe run to the bathroom.  If I can find something fun for the kids it buys me

Apple Color Match Activity

APPLES! I love coming up with apple themed learning activities. Today I am sharing a DIY apple color match activity for kids.  This was so easy to make and my child loved it. We can also reuse this over and over.  I like that

Simple Craft Stick Color Sort

  I love to find simple and fun ways to add learning to our days.  This craft stick color sort is just that simple and fun.  I used things I had on hand and set up a a tray and invited my younger kids

Color and Shape Match Up Activity

I love sharing fun themed busy activities each month with you all.  It is a great reason for me to put something simple yet fun together for the kids.  And since it is a busy activity I get a few minutes to prep dinner

Christmas and Winter Math Activities

My kids love fun and easy math activities.  Finding simple ways to make math more fun for the kids is a great way to help them get excited about learning. Today I am sharing a collection of Christmas and Winter Math Activities that the kids are