Spring Archive
We love to feed the birds outside in the backyard. It’s so much fun to sit back and watch all the wonderful birds come over to eat the seed. Making bird feeders with the kids is a great activity to get them outside and loving nature. My boys
Last year we made Yogurt Cup Wind Chimes. The kids loved helping to make the wind chime and it is still out in the tree a year later! We set out to make a new wind chime this year out of another recycled material.
If you follow along here on our blog you know we LOVE print crafts! I love that they can be fun keepsakes and the kids love painting their hands, feet… Print art does not always have to be about keepsakes and decorations. Today we
It is the final week of Spring Activities for Kids brought to you by Learn Play Imagine and Frogs and Snails and Puppy Dog Tails(FSPDT). This week is Sensory Play!! If you follow either of our blogs then you know we love SENSORY activities.
The kids and I love finding fun ways to create beautiful wind chimes for outside. We get to have fun making them and we have fun decorating outside with them too. There are so many beautiful kid made wind chimes out here and I
We love feeding the birds. We also love making our own bird feeders. Since I had robots on my mind and a juice carton sitting in my keep for project pile, it just seemed right to create a Robot Juice Carton Bird Feeder with
The kids had so much fun with our Q-tip heart paintings a few years ago I thought it was time to do it again. With Spring on my mind we ended up trying a fun Q-tip Rainbow craft one afternoon. This craft is also
We have been having lots of fun with Jelly Beans over here at my house. We don’t just eat them! There are so many fun ways to play and craft with them too. We did a jelly bean Easter egg craft that my son just
We had Jelly Bean Paints left and a bunch of hard boiled eggs we had decorated. I had held on to them a few days too many and knew it was time for them to go to the trash. We had a lot of
Super excited to be taking part in 40 Sensory Bin Fillers Hosted by Little Bins for Little Hands. What a great resource for sensory bin play from so many wonderful bloggers. They are all in one place here on the home page . A
Once Spring arrives, the kids are always ready to start back to water play outside. Water bins are one of our favorite ways to play outside when the weather is right! Water play always seems to be a hit with my multi-aged kids.
Spring is in full force here at our house. The bees, the pollen, the rain showers, the warmer weather… We felt inspired to make some spring crafts one afternoon. One of the first things we thought of was a ladybug or ladybird. I set
I love flower crafts that the kids can give me to set on my desk. These are often better than real flowers for 2 reasons: they helped make them and they last longer. This flower craft would be a great mother’s day gift idea
I was so excited to hear about a brand new line of craft supplies for Target called Creatify™! Just another great reason for me to go to one of my favorite stores. My husband already hates I take the first 10-15 minutes we are in this