Cherry Blossom Tree Craft for Kids

I have been wanting a cherry blossom tree for a few years now. They are just so beautiful.  Spring seems to come and go so fast and we never make it to the nursery to buy and plant one before it is over. Since we have not gotten a tree this year either, I thought it would be fun to make them with the kids.  I had several Cherry Blossom craft ideas and me and the kids had a whole day of tree crafting fun! This is one of my favorite of the 5 we made.  The Melted Crayon Cherry Blossom Tree is easy to make and looks great sitting in my office now.  
Melted Crayon Cherry Blossom Tree

Melted Crayon Cherry Blossom Tree 

Cherry Blossom Tree Craft for Kids

What we used:

toilet paper roll

brown paint

paint brush


pink crayons

Cherry Blossom Tree Craft for Kids

What we did:

I cut out the top of the tree from white paper.  Then I let the kids paint the toilet paper rolls with brown paint.  While the toilet paper rolls dried we melted the pink crayons in the microwave.  I recommend crayola crayons but we used cheap ones this day.  They made the microwave smell a little but it faded. 

The kids took qtips, or cotton swabs, and dipped them in the melted crayons.  They then dotted the white paper tree top with them.  Once done, we moved on to another craft while the toilet paper rolls continued to dry.  Once they finally dried, I cut slits in the side and we inserted the paper tree top in the slits to hold it up.  

Cherry Blossom Tree Craft for Kids
Now we had a cute cherry blossom tree to decorate the house with. My toddler just loved this tree as much as I did.  It looks great sitting in my office.  This might be the only tree I get and that is ok with me.

Top 13 Kid Crafts of 2013

Top 13 Kid Crafts of 2013 by FSPDT
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