Chocolate Covered Cherries with cherry and chocolate Scented Playdough recipes

We love playdough at my house!  If you follow my blog you probably already know this.  My kids are 4yr and almost 2yr and neither one of them can get enough playdough time lately.  So with playdough and the up coming holiday(valentine’s day)on my brain I thought it would be fun to make chocolate covered cherries with them.  All I needed to do was make 2 batches of wonderful smelling playdough and gather a few supplies for us to make this idea work.  


Playdough Chocolate covered Cherries

Chocolate Covered Cherries with Scented Playdough

Here is what I did:
I made 2 batches of playdough one cherry and one chocolate.  I followed my favorite playdough recipe here and just added pink food coloring with cherry extract to one and a little coco powder and brown food coloring to the other.  We had 2 plastic heart  shaped containers that we had gotten candies in a few weeks ago.  I thought they would work great to put our playdough chocolate cherries in. I just used construction paper and markers to decorate the tops of the containers. I got out mini cupcake papers and heart confetti too.  
Chocolate Covered Cherries with Scented Playdough
Last I added a few spoons and scoops to the table. These were for us to make cherries with and then cover with the chocolate playdough to end up with a chocolate covered cherry. Now we were ready to play.  The boys were excited when they came to the table and wanted to know what we would make.  I made a chocolate covered cherry for them to see what we could create with the playdough.  Then I let the kids have at it to make their own creations.  My oldest made a few chocolate covered cherries with me.  Then he played for a while making his own (15min.)  He then made a snowman.  Last he made his classic road and brought out the trucks.  Little brother pretty much did his own thing with the playdough and that is ok.  He was having fun. We played over 30 min with the playdough.  I call this a successful activity at my house.  This playdough keeps great in a ziploc bag so I know we will get a lot more playtime with it.  At my house we can never have enough playdough.  We hope you may have fun with chocolate cherry playdough too.  What will you create?
 Chocolate Covered Cherries with Scented Playdough
10 Ways To Play With Playdough That Kids Love

All Things Playdough: recipes and play ideas

All Things Playdough: recipes and play ideas

Amazing Playdough Recipes and Play Ideas

 Amazing Playdough Recipes and Play Ideas {the kids co-op 5-8}



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