Crafts for Girls

 It is no secret I have all BOYS.  You probably could tell by the name of my blog, Frogs and Snails and Puppy Dog Tail, that I am the mom to all boys.  I have 3 of the greatest guys a mom could ask for. I always saw myself having boys. I think most of the activities and crafts we share are pretty neutral.  We do have a thing for superheros but I am a girl and I like those too.   I had someone ask me for “girly” crafts so I hope this post will help.  Here are over 20 Crafts for Girls.  I hope that those of you that are looking for girl inspired crafts can find a few fun ones here to enjoy.  Awesome ideas from Awesome bloggers below. I still see a few crafts and activities we could enjoy too even without a girl in the house (except me). 


crafts for girls

 Crafts for Girls


 Crafts the girls will love.  Kid friendly craft ideas for you.  So many fun ideas listed above from some of the top kid bloggers around.  Even without girls I still see a few fun ideas we could try at my house.



more posts to check out:


Blueberry and Grape Sparkly Paints

blueberry and grape sparkly paint

DIY Felt Wands

DIY Felt Wands for kids

3 PINK Activities For Kids {to honor Breast Cancer Awareness Month}

How to Make Pink Peppermint Playdough

Lemonade Lip Gloss

Lemonade Lip Gloss- the kids can make

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