Darth Vader Valentine {Free Printable}

Any other Star Wars fans out here?  I watched it and enjoyed it growing up but have never been a die hard fan .  My husband seems to be a bigger fan than I am.  With the boys getting older(mostly my 5yr) the interest in all things Star Wars has begun.  We now have books, toys, watch lego cartoons…  When I asked my oldest what type of valentine he wanted to give out this year he requested DARTH VADER.  His all time favorite character from Star Wars (currently).  I was determined to create him one to give out since I created little brother his own Going Fishing Valentine for his class party this year. It took me some time to figure out how to make them and be able to share them here on the blog.  Now with just a week until Valentine’s Day, and his party, here they are!
Darth Vader Valentine Free Printable

Darth Vader Valentine Free Printable 

All of my printables are intended for personal use (you print and give out as valentines).  Do not download my images to sell or reuse in an images of your own. See my Copy Right here.


What I did:  

I created a graphic from photos I took of a Darth Vader toy.  Then I edited it in a photo software to give me a Darth Vader Valentine for my son. I printed the valentine out on cardstock and cut out with scrapbook scissors.  I used a hole punch to put one hole in the hand and added a glow bracelet through the hole.  I added tape to the back to hold it in place.

What we ended up with:

Here is the final project. Sigh, so glad I did not put it off any longer. At my house I try to be ready ahead of time for events because with 3 kids I never know what will come up (some up all night, clinging to my leg during the day, get sick…). Now I at least have valentines to send in with my son if something comes up!  I hope if you have a Darth Vader fan you can enjoy these free printable valentines too.

Darth Vader Valentine {Free Printable}

More Valentines:

Homemade Valentine Postcards- easy for young kids but fun for all ages

valentines day
"Fishing" You A Happy Valentine's Day- non candy valentine  by FSPDT
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