Decorated Hand Sanitizer Bottles- an act of kindness

We are excited to be participating in Toddler Approved’s annual 100 Acts of Kindness this year.  It is a way to help your family or students find ways to be kinder to others.  You can read more about it here.

With the recent birth of our last child the nurses from the hospital have been on my mind.  This was our third son born in our local hospital.  With each delivery the nurses there have taken excellent care of me and my boys.  I have always been sure to thank them with words for all the hard work they do.  When I had to choose a kind act to write about I knew exactly what I wanted the boys and I to do.  I wanted to be able to go back and make sure the nurses knew how much their kindness impacted our lives.  What better gift could we take them than something they use a million times each day, hand sanitizer.  Of course it seems kind of cheap and not from the heart to walk in with everyday hand sanitizer.  So we decided to add a little love to each bottle.

Decorated Hand Sanitizer Bottles

We have decorated hand sanitizer bottles before for teachers but I wanted to come up with a new design to show love.  What better way to do that than with a heart.  I just love how the heart bottles came out.

Decorated Hand Sanitizer Bottles- an act of kindness

What we used:  

hand sanitizer bottles, paper( I recycled my sons old art work- a painted picture), scrapbook scissors, glue, and yarn or ribbon.

What we did:  

I peeled the labels off the hand sanitizer bottles( thankfully the labels came of with ease and no sticky residue.  If you do get a sticky residue on your bottle use goo be gone to remove.  You can buy this at the dollar tree).  I took my sons old art work and cut out heart shapes with my scrapbook scissors.  I love that I used his art work because it gives it a special touch just from him. You could use construction paper, scrapbook paper…  I then had the kids glue the hearts on the bottles for me.  I then used yarn(it’s what I had on hand) to tie bows on the bottles.

diy hand sanitizer bottles

Time To Deliver Our Gift
The day we planned to deliver our hand sanitizer bottles it was raining but we didn’t let that stop us from doing our kind act.  We put on our rain coats and went on our way.  The nurses were very happy and thankful for their gift.  It was our pleasure to show some kindness to them.

Decorated Hand Sanitizer Bottles- an act of kindness

How We Are Keeping Up With Our Kind Acts

Here is how we are keeping up with our 100 acts of kindness.  A homemade chalk board from a pizza box. We can add a check for each kind act we complete.

We have been enjoying having a reminder to be kind to others.  I am happy to be able to show my kids that even the smallest act of kindness counts for something.  And plan to continue using our kindness chart even after this challenge is over.  What kind acts will we do today?
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