Dinosaur Alphabet Match Up

Thrilled to be teaming up with some amazing blogging moms to bring you a week of: Play, Craft, and Learn with Dinosaurs.  This fun idea was dreamed up by the ever so talented George of Craftulate.
Today is all about LEARNING with dinosaurs.  I had a vision for a Dinosaur Alphabet Match Up Game.  Even though it did not turn out as planned it was still fun and a great way for the kids to learn and recognize letters.
Dinosaur Alphabet Match Up

Dinosaur Alphabet Match Up

Dinosaur Alphabet Match Up

What I used:

I purchased Clipart  from Jessica Sawyer Designs here.  

wooden discs

mod podge

white cardstock


printer paper

paint marker

How to make dinosaur alphabet disc:

I did the best I could with the clipart to make letters on the dinosaur clipart.  Since I had to re-size to fit the disc the letters became hard to see.  This is why I used a paint pen to trace the letters on the disc.  

Take print-outs of dinosaur letters and cut or punch (I used scrapbook scissors) out.  Then take each one and glue it to the disc. Trace with paint pen or other.  Then last spray with sealer.  

Once all this was done, I drew the capital letters on the back of the discs with sharpie markers.  I wanted to be sure the kids could identify the hard to see letters on the disc.  If they were not sure they could flip it over to make sure.  Even though these Dinosaur Alphabet Discs did not turn out as I envisioned, they still did the trick.  

Dinosaur Alphabet Match Up


Dinosaur Alphabet Match Up
How to play:
Print out play mat or board.  Have the kids sit down with the dinosaur letter discs.  Explain to them or remind them that some letters are Capital and some are Lowercase.  You can show them examples before they begin.


Dinosaur Alphabet Match Up

Now to begin.  Let the kids have the discs and the play mat.  Have them match up the Capital or Uppercase letter to the Lowercase letters.

Dinosaur Alphabet Match Up

The play mat or board was also a second choice for this activity but my kids just loved it and had no clue I had other plans to start.  I was talking with my mom about being disappointed that it did not go as planned and she reminded me that things are not always as we hoped they would be but it does not mean they are not still great. Love her!

Dinosaur Alphabet Match Up

So excited to start and happy he got his first match up correct and in record speed.

The game pieces do not fit just right but they work.  He soon had little brother sitting beside him telling him the letters as he matched them up.  
This ended up being just the right learning activity for my boys.  So glad that in the end it worked out.  I hope that you can enjoy this Dinosaur Alphabet Match Up Game too.
Another fun Way to Use The Dinosaur Discs- Dino Drop 
                                                                                                    Dino Drop~ fine motor skills
All of my printables are intended for personal use (you print for the kids to use).  Do not download these images to sell or reuse in an image of your own. See my copyright here.  I purchased Clipart  from Jessica Sawyer Designs here. I received her permission to use in a freebie on my site before making and offering to you.
Free Printables:

More post in this series can be found below:
Glittering Muffins

Dinosaurs on Pinterest

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