Dinosaur Scavenger Hunt

This week on Play, Craft, and Learn with Dinosaurs we are focusing on Gross Motor Skills.  Gross Motor Skills work on the large muscles in the body.  Getting kids up moving around by crawling, walking, running… works to improve their gross motor skills.  Setting up gross motor play for the kids can be easy and a lot of fun.  This Dinosaur Scavenger Hunt is just that.  My kids could not wait to set out to seek and find these dinosaurs.  Perfect way to get the kids moving during play time.
Dinosaur Scavenger Hunt- gross motor skills

Dinosaur Scavenger Hunt


Supplies/What we used:

plastic eggs

small toy dinosaurs 

play tunnel

Dinosaur Scavenger Hunt

What we did:

To start I took all the eggs and dinosaur toys and hid them in a room.  I got out our play tunnel and had it leading into the room.

Dinosaur Scavenger Hunt
I had the kids grab their bags we take in nature walks.  They could fill these up with their dinosaur finds.
Dinosaur Scavenger Hunt

We started by using our muscles to crawl into the room.  Then they went to running, walking, and a little “dino stomping”  through the room.

Baby brother was right there with his older brothers to crawl and walk around too.  This turned out to be a great play activity for my multi aged kids (1-5yr).


The kids had so much fun combing the room to find the plastic dino eggs and dinosaur toys.  

Dinosaur Scavenger Hunt

Baby brother found a few too.  Once they found them all big brother and little brother took turns hiding them for the others to find.  

Dinosaur Scavenger Hunt
This could be a great rainy day activity or way to burn off some extra energy.  However, for us it was just a fun way to play and work on our gross motor skills in the process this day.  We hope you and your kids might enjoy this simple play idea too.
More post in this series can be found below:
Dinosaur Obstacle Course Craftulate

Beginning Letter Sound Dinosaur Tracks from Glittering Muffins

DIY Dinosaur Feet Stilts from Lalymom

Dinosaur Toss from Mess for Less

Even more posts to check out: 

Robot Crafts and Activities for Kids


Bug Themed Activities for Kids



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  1. Laura Marschel
  2. Valerie GlitteringMuffins
  3. Emma @ P is for Preschooler
  4. PinkOddy

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