DIY Christmas Cards

“This post is brought to you by Core’dinations and Blueprint Social. The opinions are my own.”


Did you know you can print on glitter paper now! Glitter Prints are great.  Easy to use and no mess.  The glitter does not flake off the paper.   The kids and I have been talking about making our own Christmas cards this year and this Glitter Print paper would be perfect for our project. Since the paper is extremely easy to personalize and use we can make our own greetings and print for our DIY Christmas cards. The paper also works with any inkjet printer at home or the office.  No special new printer to go with this awesome glitter paper. This paper has a unique, smooth glitter designed for printing with optimal color vibrancy.  I am already dreaming up more ways to put this paper to use. We can not only use it in our DIY Christmas card craft but use it to personalize gifts too. 


DIY Christmas cards you can make with the kids


DIY Christmas Cards

glitter print christmas cards


Supplies/what we used:

  • Glitter Print paper
  • Merry Christmas/Happy Holiday print out(get yours below)
  • glue stick
  • white cardstock paper
  • red and green paper
  • yellow, red, green, and brown paint
  • sharpie markers
  • q-tip
  • scrapbook scissors

DIY Chrismtas crad craft to make with the kids


How to make your own Christmas cards with the kids:


To start, print out holiday greetings below on the glitter print paper.  Cut out the greetings with scrapbook scissors. Take the green or red paper and cut out a border for the greetings to be glued on to.



Now glue the “Happy Holidays” on the red paper you cut out.  Glue this on the white cardstock paper you have folded in half.

glitter print christmas card craft for kids

The kids and I did fingerprint art on our DIY Christmas cards.  We did a Christmas tree, Christmas lights, and reindeer.

fingerprint art christmas cards

For the Christmas tree we did green fingerprints for the tree.  We did a yellow fingerprint for the star and a few brown fingerprints for the tree trunk.  After it dried the kids used a qtip or cotton swab to put red dots on the tree to decorate.


For the reindeer the kids made brown fingerprints on the card.  Once dry I came back with a black sharpie marker and drew in the antlers and eyes.  For the nose we used the qtip and dotted with red paint.


For the Christmas lights I drew in a the light string with a black sharpie marker.  Then the kids used yellow, green, and red paint to make fingerprint “lights”.

Christmas card craft for kids


Core’dinations Glitter Prints are now available at Hobby Lobby and Michaels (under Michaels private label) and coming to Jo-Ann Fabric and Crafts Stores and A.C. Moore in early 2016!

glitter print Christmas card craft

Follow Core’dinations Glitter Prints on FacebookTwitter, and Pinterest 

to keep up with the latest info from them.



Get your Free Printable Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday fonts here.



DIY Christmas Cards

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