DIY Cinnamon Scented Paint Recipe


I love Christmas time and all the scents that come with it.  Cinnamon is one of the first scents to come to mind when I think of Christmas.  The kids asked if they could paint with some ornaments we bought at the store for their tree one morning.  Sounded like a good idea to me.  The ornaments were inexpensive and could be cleaned off after.  If they came clean great!  If they did not it would be ok.  Just more character to add to them.  I could not help but want to create our own DIY Cinnamon Scented Paint Recipe to go wit this process art project.  I set out to do just that and the kids had so much fun helping to make them.


DIY Cinnamon Scented Paint Recipe

DIY Cinnamon Scented Paint Recipe

painting with ornaments


What we used:


finger paints




ornaments we got for 98 cents


cinnamon powder






What to do:


Take paint of your choice (we used finger paints in red and green) and mix in powdered cinnamon.  It is so cool how adding just one ingredient changes the texture of these paints.  It also changed the color a little and of course gave it a great scent!  We do make homemade scented paints, but using the store bought was quick and easy today.  See more paint recipes here.


Now that we had our scented paint we could start having even more fun.

Ornament painting

 I took roll paper and stretched it out on the table.  I taped each side down with wahsie tape.  I then sat the paint bowls on the paper.  Now the kids began painting with the cinnamon paint and ornaments.

sensory painting

 I love that the kids came up with the idea to paint with these ornaments.  I love seeing their little minds at work.  This is a fun process art project.  Give the kids the supplies and let them take over.  No end product in sight like with a craft.  We love crafts too but process art is always a hit at my house.

DIY paints and Ornament painting for the kids



See House of Burke Painting with Ornaments here and what fun they had!


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