DIY multi purpose cleaner- lemon scent

Since my first son was born I have looked into using safer more green cleaning products for certain task in my house.  Now with the age of pinterest I have seen several DIY cleaners, laundry aids, etc…  Wow, I think to myself I would like to try that.   This cleaner is one I actually tried and did not just pin.  My first attempt at a multi purpose cleaner was with orange peels and it worked great.  However when it came time to make more I decided to try lemons.  And my husband still hates the smell all the same,lol.  But I like the way it cleans my hard surfaces and high chair.  I can’t believe the smell doesn’t bother me.  It is also a cleaner older kids can use to help clean up.
 DIY multi purpose cleaner- lemon scent

My last post if you follow link will give you directions.  Once the vinegar and peels sit for 2 wks take and strain the liquid over into a measuring cup.  Now you can pour it into a spray bottles.
DIY multi purpose cleaner- lemon scent

Now you have a great all natural cleaner.

DIY multi purpose cleaner- lemon scent
I will say that there are just some places like my shower that nothing other than good old soft and scrub are going to clean but this natural cleaner is great for  counters, my hardwood table, my son’s high chair, and I can even use it on my hardwood floors for spills.  Hope you can find ways to use this great cleaner too.  
Another cleaner I do use in my tubs, toilets, and sinks is magic cleaner.
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  1. Kendall Soto

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