DIY numbers and alphabet learning game/activity
What a fun way to help kids learn their letters and numbers with a math up game. I was inspired my the fun sight word match up game from Mom to 2 Posh Lil Divas for this game. Since my boys are younger I went with letters and numbers. You could use this game to learn colors, how to spell our name, etc… My preschooler loves this and I hope to be able to use it with my other kids as they get bigger.
DIY numbers and alphabet learning game/activity
Supplies/What you need:
index cards
What to do:
Write numbers or letters on the cards to start. Then take scotch tape and put a piece on the ends of clothespins ( this way you can take it off later and use them for something else). Add the letters and numbers to them as well.
Now you are ready to play a fun matching game with the kids. I set out all the card for the numbers on the floor with the clothespins and had my son come play a fun learning game with me. We had fun matching the numbers and letters. We did this while little brother napped so he wouldn’t tear up the game. I love spending time with my oldest and having fun. This is just what we did with this game. With the alphabet (letters) set of cards I made him we went over how to spell his name. There are so many wonderful ways you can put these card to use. We have been using them and learning for months.
Hope you and your kids may have some fun learning and playing too.
More posts to look at:
20 Number Learning Activities for Kids

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