DIY Picture Puzzle- help kids learn name too
I was inspired by the guest post from Two Big Two Little to make a puzzle for the kids. I already had everything I needed to make them. I just had to find the time to get it all together and complete it. Anyone else have a list a mile long of the things you want to do? Mine just seems to keep growing no matter how many things I mark off. I think I add two more things for everyone I complete.
DIY Picture Puzzle- help kids learn name too
So back to the DIY puzzle. We have been learning our names over here so I thought it would be great to incorporate that into the puzzle. I choose to use pictures of the boys on their puzzles and add their names. You can use anything you want to make the puzzle out of. It could be a Disney print-out or coloring page etc.. The DIY puzzle is easy to make once you gather your supplies and the kids can even help you make them.
This is what you need:
Popsicle sticks, photo or pictures of some kind, mod podge, exacto knife(this is for adults ONLY), and marker if you want to add their name or other text to the puzzle.
What we did:
I had the kids help me line up the popsicle sticks side by side. They then helped paint on the glue to the back of the photo. They then laid it on top of the popsicle sticks and pressed down. I left it about an hour before I came back to check it. I then wrote their names out on the sticks. I chose to add color to the tips of the sticks that did not have letters on them. I added more glue to the top side of one photo. I would suggest doing this to give it a little extra durability. I then used the knife to cut down each popsicle stick to separate the pieces.
Now I have a puzzle that the boys can play with and learn their names. They get to see all the letters and in which order they go as they play with the puzzle. Simple learning fun is what we like at my house and this is just right.
I have the buttons covering their names.
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Latest Comments
Puzzles are a great way to teach young children how to think and learn. I recently bought a bunch for my children from and they totally love them!!