Easy Homemade Scented Watercolors
I love making homemade art supplies and sensory play materials. So it was no surprise that when I needed watercolors for an art project with the kids and did not have any store bought on hand that I would just make some. I also have a habit of not reading recipes but just doing what I think will work, lol. I often get lucky and they do work out, but there is the occasional fail. When they fail, I modify or start over. I am glad that I got lucky with the homemade scented watercolors and they worked. Art project was still on for the day.
3 Ingredient Homemade Scented Watercolors
What you need:
food coloring
cherry extract or other scent
small bowls
We made cherry scented watercolors. This was so easy and the smell was amazing.
Take your small bowls and fill with water. Then add food coloring and scent. Mix well. Simple is the way I like things and these watercolors are just that.
Stay tuned for the art project we used these in later this week.
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We made our own water colors with food coloring or old markers, but adding scents is a great idea! Must smell so great as they’re painting!