Getting Kids Excited to Keep Hands Clean
Getting Kids Excited to Keep Hands Clean
Since starting the 30 day challenge we have increased the amount of times we clean our hands. My 3 yr is now a little obsessed with his small hand sanitizer bottle. I can only see this being a good thing though. He will even remind me to clean my hands at times. We use our Purell hand sanitizer most often on the go. After going to the bathroom, after shopping, before and after meals while out… We are now in a good habit of keeping our hands clean and I see us keeping up with it even though the challenge is over. The kids have their decorated “magic soap” for their classrooms. My mother refers to hand sanitizer as “magic soap” to get the kids excited to clean their hands. The term has stuck and hand sanitizer is AKA “Magic Soap” at my house.
* Decorating larger pump hand sanitizer bottles for the kids teacher/classrooms
* Finding a place in the kitchen to put a Purell Pump
* Letting the kids help squeeze out hand sanitizer for each other
Save and print Magic Soap aka hand sanitizer labels below:
We have the jelly wraps in the car, on my purse, on the kids backpacks, and on the stroller. They are great way to keep hands clean and easy to keep up with.