Grape Poppers

Today we are bringing you another fun snack idea.  Today is also all about the letter G is for Grapes in the A-Z Cooking with Kids Series.  We love grapes at my house and eating them just as they are works for us.  I was excited to venture out and try something new.  We ended up trying grape poppers.  An easy to make and yummy snack for the kids.  These poppers were a lot of fun.  The ideas for other topping options is probably endless. We went simple and easy.

Grape Poppers


Grape Poppers


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What we used/ ingredients:


caramel dip






food picks –  a fun option if you do not already have some Japanese Bento Cute Food Pick 100 pcs – Clear and Slim





What to do/ how to make:


Wash grapes and set on a paper towel to dry a bit.  We picked most of the grapes off ahead of making them.  Take one food pick and place in grape.  Take a small bowl and scoop caramel into it.  Warm up a little.   Take grape on food pick and dip into caramel.  Now add sprinkles to the caramel end.  Last place on a plate or tray.



We had both green and red grapes.  The shape of these green grapes made it hard to use them so the red grapes won out for turning into grape poppers.  No worries though, the green grapes were still gobbled up by the kids.



making grape poppers with kids


My oldest really liked these grape poppers.  I thought they were good.  My second son said no way he only wants them plain.  My youngest loved the plain grapes with sprinkles.  He was a hoot as I tried to take photos he was stealing grapes.  I had to shoot quick because every picture I took had one less plain grape with sprinkles, lol.  If you look at the first image and the last you will see far less grapes on the plate around the grape poppers.  That was baby brother’s doing.  I look forward to trying these again with different toppings.

grape popper cooking with kids

Things we like to keep in the kitchen:



See more Grape recipes from fellow co-host of the A-Z Cooking with Kids Series below:


Mum in the Madhouse- Frozen Fruity Yogurt Bites


Rainy Day Mum- Fruit Swords and Magic Wands 


Still Playing School- Grape Sparklers 


Sugar Aunts- Fruit Pizza

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