Halloween Playdough Recipes in 3 fun Scents
It’s no secret, if you follow my blog, that we LOVE playdough. I love making it and setting up invitations to play for the kids. The kids love playing with it and are always happy to sit down for PLAYDOUGH. I must admit I love to play in it as much as they do. However, I don’t always get to. Often playdough is my go to activity for the older boys because they can play with it own their own while I clean, cook, try to eat a snack, lol. With Halloween fast approaching and having been a while, it was time to make some new fun playdough for the kids.
Halloween Playdough Recipes in 3 fun Scents
I knew long ago that I wanted to make candy corn playdough for the kids when Halloween came around. I love all things candy corn. I had plans to make playdough party favors for a class party for my son and his classmates for their help in a mini can food drive last month. I chose to share our candy corn playdough with them. I knew we would need more to keep at home so I set out to make 3 more batches.
I had colors planed out for the next 3 batches of playdough but no clue what else I would do. I started looking in my baking pantry. I quickly started finding things to add in to make fun scents. Here is what I came up with.
My first: BLACK CHERRY glitter playdough. I followed my trusty recipe here and then added my secret ingredient, black cherry kool aid. I also added black gel food coloring and dark pink glitter. I was so excited when it was finished. I loved how it turned out.
Now I moved on to Key Lime playdough for my second batch. I found a packet of frosting flavoring of key lime and added it to my basic playdough recipe. I also added a little neon green food coloring.
And now, last but not least, is my third and final batch(for now). White Chocolate Raspberry Glitter Playdough. This is my favorite. I made this with my basic recipe and added a frosting flavor packet and added purple glitter.
They all smell so great. I have plans to set the kids up an invitation to make playdough creatures like last year but haven’t gotten to it yet. But we will.
I had to go ahead and share these new fun scented playdough with you all just in case I don’t post on our playdough creatures before Halloween is over. There is never enough time in a day!
Our playdough monsters/creatures

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Oh, yum! I love the black cherry one. 🙂