Halloween Sensory Sink- fun hands on play for kids

This Spring I got a chance to team up with My Nearest and Dearest for Sensory Sink Sunday .  It was a fun filled series offering ideas for sensory play in the sink. Sensory play is always a great learning experience for the kids.  Read more at above link on sensory play.  Sensory play is not only for learning, but for just having fun as well.  With the weather cooling off here we can’t get out to play in the Water Bins as much.  A sensory sink was the perfect idea for us to explore again.  Since Halloween is fast approaching what better than a Halloween themed sensory sink!
Halloween Sensory Sink- fun hands on play for kids

Halloween Sensory Sink- fun hands on play for kids

Halloween Sensory Sink- fun hands on play for kids by FSPDT

What we used:

Plastic Halloween pieces from dollar store, little plastic pots from walmart, spoons, glitter, orange food gel, orange extract… a few more odds and ends.

Halloween Sensory Sink- fun hands on play for kids by FSPDT

Once I gathered the items to use for the sink, I went in the bathroom to set up.  I like to set the invitation to play up before the kids come in.  This way they come in and can take over and have free hands on play.

Halloween Sensory Sink- fun hands on play for kids by FSPDT

What we did:

I sat the items around the sink.  I added the food gel and extract to the little black pots.  This way my kids got to add them to the water.  My preschooler got to play first while little brothers were sleeping.  

Halloween Sensory Sink- fun hands on play for kids by FSPDT

He had fun scooping and pouring, great for the hand muscles.  He talked about all the added items and what each one was.  He used his imagination to mix up some potions and brews.  

Halloween Sensory Sink- fun hands on play for kids by FSPDT

This was a great quiet time activity for him.  This really is not too messy.  I just add a towel to the floor and we rinse the items and sink when done playing.  Simple is always best for me.

Now, when my toddler woke up, he came to play.  He knew just what to do.  He turned on the water and went to pouring and scooping. I did have to explain to him that the sink could only hold so much water so we could keep turning on the faucet.  I drained the sink several times while he played.  Of course at this age, he was covered in water when he was through playing.  Still easy clean up, just change clothes.

Halloween Sensory Sink- fun hands on play for kids by FSPDT

He got to explore the same play as his brother.  Since big brother was through playing by the time he got up, little brother got to play on his own too.  

Oh, I totally forgot I added window clings and a sign to the mirror in the bathroom.  This was just an added visual sensory experience for them. 

Halloween Sensory Sink- fun hands on play for kids by FSPDT

This Halloween sensory sink was a hit with both my older boys.  It was a great learning through play experience for them.  It also helped me keep them quiet while the baby napped.  Now if only I could have napped too, lol.  One day I shall sleep again but until then..  I hope you and your kids can have some fun with this too.


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Glitter & Scented Candy Corn Playdough by FSPDT

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