Homemade Bubbles Recipe & Snake Maker



I pinned a recipe for homemade bubbles some time ago and today we just got around to trying it out. Daddy was home so I had a few extra minuets to read the blog and get the stuff together.  We also got to enjoy some time with daddy blowing bubbles! The blog list 2 recipes.  I only had supplies to make one.  And it worked just fine. The recipe came from Come Together Kids.  She also listed a bubble snake maker and we tried that too.

Homemade Bubbles Recipe & Snake Maker


Homemade Bubbles Recipe & Snake Maker

What you need: 

head over to see the ingredient list here on Come Together Kids

What to do:  

Mix water and corn syrup together and microwave for 4 min, then add the dish soap.  Mix well.  I added it to an empty bubble bottle we had.  Then go blow bubbles.  Some people say this recipe attracts bees…  I didn’t notice any today but we didn’t get to stay out long due to the wind.

The other recipe is 1 gallon  hot water, 1/4 c liquid glycerin, and 1 c dawn dish soap.  Mix gently together and let sit over night in an open container.  Use the next day.  Again we did not try this one yet because we did not have the glycerin.  But heard it is better, look forward to trying it in the future and will update you on how it works.

This was the only picture I got of the bubbles but you see it works.
The bubble snake maker

What you need: 

a water bottle, old sock or wash cloth, rubber band.  What to do:  cut bottom of bottle off and wrap sock around with rubber band.  Put a little dish soap and water in bowl.

Then take the bottle and dip it in water and soap mix and blow out of mouth opening to make “a  bubble snake”. 
Ours didn’t look like a snake but it was fun.  Hope to get back out on a better day to blow more bubbles!
Hope you can enjoy some bubble fun too!
More ways we like to play:
ALL our Sensory PLAY RECIPES can be found here.
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