How To Make Colored Sugar

When brainstorming a play idea for the kids, I knew I needed just one more thing to make it work.  What this one thing was, I was not sure at the time.  I gave it a day and came back to the activity that was complete minus this last thing.  After coming across a pinterest picture for colored sugar I knew that would be perfect.  I hate to say, I did not pin it.  The next day I googled “How To Make Colored Sugar” and found an ehow and followed the directions.  Well,  I was not doing my part to keep up with the ehow source.  So today I googled it again and read several(there are tons of ehow post on this all different) looking for the same one and could not find it.  However, I did discover there are a few different ways to make the homemade colored sugar.  I love the idea from Mom On Timeout on How To Make Your Own colored Sugar .
How To Make Colored Sugar by FSPDT

 How To Make Colored Sugar

How To Make Colored Sugar by FSPDT

What I used:

a small bowls, sugar, food coloring.  I did not have gloves so I just wrapped my finger in plastic wrap.  The above link gives a different version on how to make colored sugar and I may try that one next.

How To Make Colored Sugar by FSPDT

What I did:

I added a small amount of sugar to the bowls.  Next, I dropped a little food coloring in to the bowls.  I wrapped my finger in plastic wrap and used it to stir the sugar until mixed.  One bowl got more food coloring than the other giving me two shades of purple.

How To Make Colored Sugar by FSPDT
Now I had the secret ingredient for our sensory play activity.  Even better, I learned a new trick that I can use in baking and other fun treats.  I can see me doing this again and can not believe how easy this was.  I hope you and your kids can enjoy this too.

A few treats we like:

Minion                           Fruit Pizza

Fun Minion Treat For Kids                          Mini Fruit Pizza- great to make with the kids

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