Jelly Bean Easter Egg Craft
We love to craft with holiday candy! Creating a Jelly Bean Easter Egg craft was yummy fun over at my house. We got to enjoy a little treat while crafting. I also love that this is open ended for the kids. You give them the supplies and they take over. The final result is a fun Easter Egg Creation.
Jelly Bean Easter Egg Craft
What you need:
egg template,
glue(after doing the craft I might have tried a stronger glue or even hot glue gun),
jelly beans-would suggest using very small ones.
What to do:
Print out the egg template, you can cut it out or leave it. We left ours. Get glue and jelly beans out. Oh, and put jelly beans in a small bowl. This was key to keep us from eating the bag.
Then you or the child can add the glue to the paper. Let the kids add all the jelly beans to the glue. This craft could be turned into a great time to go over colors of the jelly beans. The letter E is for Egg and Easter. Counting the jelly beans as you add them to the paper. Also trying to get the kids to repeat the color pattern while decorating their egg. Mine could care less about this suggestion I made. He did his own thing and that is ok too. Letting them have fun and pick what they enjoy creating is important to me.
Leave the Easter Egg craft to dry overnight. Do not be surprised if you have to glue a jelly bean or 2 back on.
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