I have been so excited to share with you all that I am teaming up with the All Things Kids moms {Sugar Aunts, All Done Monkey, House Of Burke, Crayon Box Chronicles and Mamas Like Me} to bring you our first group series. This month we are bringing you Winter Books: Crafts and Activities.You can follow along with all the post HERE on my homepage. I am sharing the 5th post this week so make sure to go back and check out all the other amazing posts from this series.
Just a Snowman: Winter Books Crafts and Activities
We love reading and finding fun ways to make our books come to life. This series was perfect for us. We have a small collection of winter books and I knew right away what book my son would chose to craft and play around. I was right as Just A Snowman by Mercer Mayer was his top choice for this project. A fun book about Little Critter wanting to build a snowman. We set out to create snowmen through craft and activity.
What we used:
DIY scented glitter glue
black and orange construction paper
paper plates
paint brush optional
I used scissors to cut out circles for mouth and eyes and a nose shape
What I did with my 2 year old:
My toddler squeezed DIY glitter glue on his plate. He then painted the plate. After he was through painting he added the pre-cut shapes to the paper plate to create the snowman face. Aside from him just having fun, we went over the color and shapes that he glued down to the plate.
We read our book Just A Snowman before we started our craft. He was excited to see he had created a snowman face in the end.
Of course, the glue and painting fun did not end with the one paper plate. I rolled out a big piece of paper and let him go wild! He got to paint until he was content.
What I did with my 5 year old:
My 5 yr and I did our craft on a separate day. He was at school when my tot and I worked on our snowman face. One afternoon, while both my tots were taking naps, I sat down with big brother to spend some one on one time with him as I often do. It is nice to just listen to him talk while he is with me alone. Sometimes it is hard to hear what he has to say with 2 more kids running around. Ok, so back to the craft, lol. We did ours the same way except he did not paint on his glue (I noticed with little brothers face the plate wanted to bend after drying) he just squeezed out a little glue and glued on his pre-cut pieces.
We read one of his favorite winter books Just A Snowman by Mercer Mayer.
Clay Snowmen Activity
We recently made homemade clay for the first time. We have made tons of playdough in the past but not clay. We made Winter Mint Glitter Clay for our winter book activity. How could we read Just A Snowman that is all about Little Critter wanting to build a snowman and not build our own. Last year we did playdough snowmen so this year we made clay snowmen to mix it up a bit.
What we used:
assorted colored pipe cleaners
googly eyes
flower plastic beads
no longer needed baby socks
gift ribbon
What we did:
We took the clay and rolled it into balls. We stacked those on top of each other. We added cut pipe cleaners as arms and a nose. We added googly eyes. Then, I took the baby socks and made little sock hats to add on the snowmen. We got some thicker gift ribbon and added them as scarfs. Last, my son insisted we add a flower like frosty to our snowmen. Luckily I found the plastic bead flowers for him to add.
Now we had built our own snowmen out of clay, not snow, but it was the perfect activity to go with our winter book, Just A Snowman. I had a lot of fun crafting and playing with my kids and I must admit that the book my son chose is one of my favorite books too. I look forward to our next book activity. We always enjoy the time we spend together when books are involved. We hope you and the kids may also have some snowman fun too.
Be sure to check back at the homepage because there are still fun book post to come in this series!!
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What great activities! I love that you include two different levels for different ages! I’ve never tried making clay before, just play dough. We’ll have to give it a try! Thank you for setting up this great series! Can’t wait for the new series this month!