Kissing Hand Book Craft and Activity

Are you ready for the Preschool Book Club to start back up!  We were and could not wait to start doing book activities again.  Today we are sharing on a classic back to school book the Kissing Hand.  As long as this book has been around I must admit this year was the first time I read it.  Such a great book for nervous kids starting school.  We set out to make a print craft and I came up with a “token of love” to send with my kids to school.  
Kissing Hand Book Craft

Kissing Hand Book Craft and Activity

Kissing Hand Print Craft for Kids
Kissing Hand Book Craft

What we used:

black paint

white and red paper

Elmers new easy grip glue stick

Kissing Hand Book Craft

I painted the boys hands.  We pressed them down on white paper.  I left them to dry a few hours.  I looked all over for our red heart stickers and never found them.  So I cut little red hearts out of paper.

Kissing Hand Book Craft

Once the handprints were dry, the kids glued on the red paper hearts to the paper.

Kissing Hand Book Craft
Now we had a picture just like out of the book. I just love how they turned out.  Simple but wonderful. I will hang these up on our art wall for the kids to look at when school starts back.
Token of Love for Kids 
Kissing Hand Book Craft

What we used:

wooden disc


white paper

Kissing Hand Book Craft

What to do:

I put my husband to work on this project.  He is better at drawing than I am.  He used the white paper to try the design out first.  Then he drew the heart in the hand on the disc with the sharpies.


Kissing Hand Book Craft

Giving the kids a token of love to take with them was important to me.  Last year little brother started a 3 half day a week preschool program.  Everyday for a few weeks he had to take a plastic gold coin with him in his pocket to school.  It made him feel better about going.  I am not sure why this ordinary little coin from our play area was picked but it eased him on his school days.  This year after reading the Kissing Hand I knew exactly what I would make for him (and big brother) for school this year.  These Kissing Hand Tokens of Love were the perfect gift to give them for heading back to school.

Kissing Hand Book Craft and Activity


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