L is for Leaf scissor skills craft that also goes over texture & letter L worksheets)
We have started going over a new letter each month at my house. I have a preschooler and a toddler so I try to keep it simple yet fun for them to learn their letters. This month we are learning L for Leaf(or Leaves). I have a few Worksheets/coloring pages… and I drew the letter L on a piece of paper to hang up for them. I also put together a scissor skills craft for my oldest. I also added the topic of texture to his scissor skills this month. Both the boys enjoyed the worksheets. My oldest really enjoyed the textures he got to cut with his scissor skills.
L is for Leaf scissor skills craft that also goes over texture & letter L worksheets)
What I used:
Color/worksheets from above link, a piece of paper wit the letter L written on it, a letter L traced out on paper with a leaf drawn on it for our scissor skills craft, and several different textures my son could cut up( foam sheet, yarn, pipe cleaner, construction paper, & cardstock paper).
What we did:
I hung up the letter L sheet that morning and went over our new letter with them. That afternoon we got out our color/worksheets. My youngest worked on his while big brother anxiously started his scissors skill craft. I went over all the different textures I had out for him by telling him what each one was as we felt how different they were. I told him each had a different texture. After I helped him a little with cutting them up( I held the yarn & pipe cleaner as he cut them), he added glue to his traced letter L and he started to glue all the different type textures to the paper. He loved this. Little brother got in on the fun by tearing up some paper and gluing it to his worksheet. Both boys were proud of their finished projects. That equals one happy mommy:-)

What a cute L collage. Thanks for linking up to TGIF! Have a great week,
Beth =-)