Let’s clean the mircowave(the easy way)
Does your microwave ever get really dirty and have the hard to get off stuff? Well sometimes mine does. Like today food exploded in there and by the time I got back to clean it, the food was good and stuck! So I put this trick to work:-)
I got this great idea from this site http://www.craftylittlegnome.com. Maybe I am the last to hear of this great trick.
What you need: a bowl and vinegar. Oh yeah, a dirty microwave-even with the hard stuck on stuff!
What to do: I pour a little vinegar into my bowl and microwave about 2 min(if its real dirty you may want a few extra Min’s), then take out the bowl, next I take a wet paper towel while the vinegar is cooling off and start wiping out the microwave. It comes off so easy! Then I go back and dip the paper towel in the vinegar (or use a rag )and finish wiping down the microwave. Wow, now it is so clean and it was so easy. I didn’t have to scrub and fight to get the gunk out!!! Easy cleaning makes me happy,lol.
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