Little Critter Book List

Little Critter by Mercer Mayer was one of the first series by an author that my oldest fell in love with. We went from one book to about 40 in a year.  Little Critter is a boy who loves his family.  He goes through many of the same things we do, getting a new sibling, getting a dog…. So many books with different topics all with this same character Little Critter.  My son has loved all the books we have gotten and we still have some to read.  If you have a Little Critter fan or if you have never heard of him and want to learn more, here is a book list for you.

Little Critter Book List on FSPDT

Little Critter Book List

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Book descriptions are from authors via amazon.

The first book that started it all!

  When I Get Bigger


In this funny, all-too-human picture book, Mercer Mayer’s famous Little Critter dreams of the day when he will be big enough to go to first grade, dial phone numbers by himself, camp out in the backyard, or walk to the corner store. By the end of his energetic daydreaming, Little Critter is so tired he has to go to bed. As he himself admits, “I’m not bigger yet.” It’s a fine and familiar catalogue of what young children yearn for.

Just Me and My Dad (Little Critter)

This well-loved Little Critter picture book has become a modern classic. It’s the tale of a father-and-son camping trip filled with Little Critter’s mistakes and good intentions. In spite of difficulties, however, the happy father and son manage to put up their tent, catch fish for dinner, and sleep beneath the stars. In spite of minimal text, the story is full and rich, with endearing illustrations from start to finish.

Just Me and My Mom (A Little Critter Book)

Mercer Mayer’s popular Little Critter enjoys a special day in the city with his mother. Little Critter means well, but he gets himself in trouble all along the way. His mother is oh so patient when Critter loses the train tickets, picks up a dinosaur egg in the natural history museum, and misbehaves at lunch. In spite of his difficulties, Little Critter falls asleep happily on the train going home, exhausted from the big outing with his mother.

Just Go to Bed (Little Critter) (Pictureback(R))

One of the classic Little Critter picture book titles by Mercer Mayer, this simple story shows our preschool hero resisting his father’s efforts to get him ready for bed. By the end of the book Little Critter’s understanding father has finally succeeded in moving his energetic, imaginative son through bathtime and pyjamatime into sleeptime.

Just So Thankful (Little Critter)

There’s a new kid in town who has everything Little Critter wants — a Super Streak scooter, his own cell phone, and even a limousine! But Little Critter soon realizes that he has something money cannot buy — a family who loves and adores him

Just Going to the Dentist (Little Critter) (Golden Look-Look Books)

Mercer Mayer’s very popular Little Critter is on his way to the dentist. It’s a thorough check-up, complete with dental x-rays. When Dr. Ghum insists on filling a cavity, Little Critter goes through it bravely. The visit is painless to the reader because of Little Critter’s funny, honest way of look at things — including the world of dentistry

The Lost Dinosaur Bone (Little Critter)

Little Critter’s class is going to the Critterville Museum of Natural History, and everyone is excited. But when the class arrives, they find out the dinosaur exhibit is closed because of a missing Triceratops bone. Join Little Critter as he searches the Hall of Gems and Minerals, climbs the trees in the rain forest, and sneaks around the Planetarium—all to solve the mystery of the lost dinosaur bone.

What a Bad Dream (A Golden Look-Look Book)

Little Critter, Mercer Mayer’s beloved character, stars in his own bad dream. Turning himself into a scary, disagreeable monster who won’t go to school or take a bath or eat anything but fudge pops and pizza, Little Critter discovers that his family has decided to go away and leave him alone. Trapped in a lonely dream, Little Critter has to make a choice. The sweet and funny ending to this picture-book story will satisfy every young reader.

 Little Critter: Just a Snowman

Hooray! It is a snow day! And what a perfect time to make a snowman. But Little Sister needs help putting on her boots, Dad needs a hand with the shoveling, and Gator wants to build a fort. Will Little Critter ever get to build a snowman?

I Was So Mad (Little Critter) (Look-Look)

Mercer Mayer’s very popular Little Critter stars in a picture book about feeling angry. With minimal text and funny illustrations to spell out every new situation, the book shows the Critter family saying no to everything Little Critter wants to do. He can’t keep frogs in the tub. He can’t help paint the house. Finally, mad at the world, Little Critter announces he will run away. When pals come by and ask him to come and play baseball, our young hero’s mood quickly changes. He grabs his bat and heads off for the game, telling himself he can run away another day if he is still so mad.

The New Baby

In this well-loved Little Critter picture book, our funny young hero has to get used to a new baby sister. What a problem. The baby doesn’t pay attention when Little Critter reads to her. She cries when he makes silly faces. And she can’t understand the jokes he tells. It’s seems like an impossible task, but Little Critter finally figures out what you CAN do with a new baby — and becomes a very good brother.

Just Me and My Little Brother (Little Critter) (Pictureback(R)) 

In this typically funny, sweet Little Critter picture book, our young hero thinks of all the wonderful things he is going to be able to do with his little brother. They will go out together on Halloween, fight bullies successfully, ride bikes, and more. But it becomes clear on the last page that the joys of having a brother will have to wait. First, Little Critter’s baby brother must learn to walk!

Just Me and My Puppy (A Little Critter Book)

It’s a child’s wish come true. Mercer Mayer’s famous Little Critter character has brought home a puppy. HIs parents will let him keep it if he takes care of the puppy himself. Little Critter agrees. He feels he is doing a good job, but the funny illustrations make it clear that the puppy is a lot of work — and even a lot of trouble. Does Little Critter think ithe puppy is worth it? Yes, yes, and yes, again.

  All by Myself (Little Critter) (Look-Look)

In this simple, sweet, and very human picture book, Mercer Mayer’s popular Little Critter shows us all the things he can do by himself, from tying his shoes (almost) to pouring his own juice (and only spilling a little). The wry illustrations often point up the fact that Little Critter doesn’t do everything perfectly, but he makes an effort to do the best he can.

Just for You (Little Critter) (Look-Look) 

This genuinely funny picture book is a classic — one of the first that starred Mercer Mayer’s popular Little Critter. In this title, young readers see Little Critter trying very hard to be a good helper. Unfortunately, something always seems to get in his way. When he tries to dry dishes for his mother, the dishes grow slippery. When he makes an effort not to splash water out of the tub, a storm comes up. On and on it goes, with Little Critter and his good intentions making readers laugh with him from start to finish.

  Little Critter: First Day of School

Little Critter is a bit nervous about starting school today. There’s a lot to be done before he can even get on the bus—he has to pick out his clothes, find his backpack, pack the perfect lunch, and say good-bye to Mom. Join Little Critter as he gets ready for this exciting day. Lift the flaps and find out what surprises are in store for Little Critter on his first day of school!

Just Grandma and Me (Little Critter) (Pictureback(R)) 

Little Critter and his grandmother spend the day at the beach in this funny-and-true picture book about Mercer Mayer’s popular character. Little Critter is a good helper, even at the beach. When his grandmother’s hot dog falls in the sand, he washes it off in the ocean. He promises to blow up the inflatable seahorse but needs a little help in the end. The joys and mishaps of a special summer day with Grandma are all brightened by Little Critter’s sunny disposition.

  Just Grandpa and Me (Little Critter) (Look-Look) 

A little creature and his grandfather have fun on a trip to the department store.

  Little Critter: Just a Little Too Little

Don’t let his name fool you! Little Critter® is a big boy who can take care of things himself! So when he decides he wants to go camping, he can set the site, pitch the tent, and cook his meal . . . with help from Mom and Dad, of course. Little Critter just has to remember one thing: no matter how big you get, help from Mom and Dad goes a long way.

Just My Friend & Me 

The very popular Little Critter has a friend over to play and tries his best to be a good host. It’s a long afternoon. After his friend damages Little Critter’s bike by accident, leaves him in the tree house without a ladder, and doesn’t help clean up his room, Little Critter decides that playing alone isn’t always bad. Mercer Mayer’s dry and gentle humor provides another funny-but-true picture-book treat.

  Just Me in the Tub (Little Critter)

Taking a bath is a big job. Mercer Mayer’s famous Little Critter works hard to do it right in this funny picture book. Little Critter has a mountain of tub toys to remember, stuffed animals to line up so they can watch, bubble bath to pour, a floor to flood, and so much more. What will Little Critter find at the end of his huge effort? A dry and cozy finale.

Little Critter: The Best Show & Share


Little Critter® has so many ideas about what he can bring in for Show and Share. But with so many options, it may be hard to make a decision! What will he choose?

Little Critter® Jack and the Beanstalk: A Lift-the-Flap Book (Little Critter series)


“Fee, fi, apple fritter, I smell a little critter!” Jack and the Beanstalk has been told and retold many times over the centuries. But Mercer Mayer’s great wit, animated illustrations, and cleverly created flaps—lift them to see the magic beans in the bag and the giant beanstalk outside Jack’s window—enliven this beloved tale as never before.


It’s a colorful world for Little Critter!  Everywhere he turns, he sees bright and vivid objects, from a purple house and grapes to a shiny red fire engine and delicious apples. 


Little Critter® ABCs (Little Critter series)

From “A” for “airplane to “Z” for “Zebra” (pausing along the way for “Hula-Hoop” and “Pillow”), each page is jam-packed with amusing ABC action. This sturdy edition of a Mercer Mayer favorite brings back a classic early learning concept book for preschoolers.

  Little Critter® Numbers (Little Critter series)

1 lion, 2 hippos, 3 dolphins…and an infinity of number fun! Little Critter has an adventure in counting at the zoo when he meets 4 toothy crocodiles, 5 playful seals, 6 brown bears, and other delightful animals-all the way up to 10 entertaining penguins.

Little Critter: A Green, Green Garden (My First I Can Read)

Little Critter® and his family plant some vegetables. After lots of watering, weeding, and waiting, they enjoy a delicious meal—all from their green, green garden.

  Little Critter: Going to the Sea Park (My First I Can Read)


Little Critter is going on a class trip!
There isn’t a dull moment when Little Critter® and his classmates go on a trip to the Sea Park! They see and learn about exciting and strange sea creatures—from crabs and octopuses to whales and sharks. A day at the Sea Park proves to be full of fun and adventure.
Going to the Sea Park is a story with simple, easy-to-read text—ideal for emergent readers who want to join Little Critter on a day of under-the-sea delight.

Little Critter: Going to the Firehouse (My First I Can Read)

Whoosh! goes the water hose. Ooo! Eee! Ooo! goes the siren. Ding! Ding! goes the fire alarm.
Little Critter and his classmates are taking a trip to the firehouse! Little Critter puts on his boots and jacket—now he’s ready to help Fireman Joe. After checking the hose and ladder, Little Critter is ready for a fireman’s helmet of his own. Join Little Critter as he learns to stop, drop, and roll with Fireman Joe!
This sweet, simple story is perfect for emergent readers ready to climb their own ladder.

  Little Critter: Just Helping My Dad (My First I Can Read)

Little Critter® is going to help his dad all day long! Things might not always go as planned, but that doesn’t stop Little Critter from trying his hardest!

  Snowball Soup (Little Critter, My First I Can Read) 

What does a snowman like to eat? Snowball soup, of course! Join Little Critter®, Little Sister, and Dog as they make their new friend a tasty treat.

  Happy Easter, Little Critter (Little Critter) (Look-Look)

Mercer Mayer’s popular Little Critter experiences all the joys of Easter, in spite of his little sister constantly tugging at his sleeve. The Critter family goes to church on Easter sunday. Afterward there is egg-dying and an egg hunt. Little Critter doesn’t like dressing up for ‘Easter but otherwise enjoys a very special family holiday.

Little Critter: Merry Christmas, Little Critter! 

It’s Christmastime and Little Critter has written his letter to Santa, helped his mom bake cookies, decorated the tree, and done some last-minute shopping. He can’t wait for Santa to get here. Lift the big flaps to share in the Christmas fun with Little Critter and his family!

Little Critter: Happy Halloween, Little Critter!

 Merry Christmas Mom and Dad (A Golden Look-Look Book) 

Mercer Mayer’s very popular character stars in a getting-ready- for-Christmas picture book. Little Critter approaches Christmas with the intention of being a good helper. When he makes a mistake, he has a logical explanation. He couldn’t wrap the Christmas package because the tape got too sticky. He couldn’t buy his parents a present because there were too many toys to look at. He couldn’t put up the tree lights because they were just too tangled. Little Critter means well, but every funny illustration shows him as tangled up as the Christmas lights.

more posts:

The Ultimate Christmas Book List for Ages 2-5

Winter Book List for Children

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