Lunch Ideas for Kids

I am going to have to pack lunches for the first time this year.  So far my kids have gotten out early enough that we could eat lunch together.  Not anymore!  Now, I will be missing my oldest at lunchtime. I will be that mom sending in lunchbox notes on occasion to remind him I love him.  I better add the lunchbox notes now before he gets too old and protests.  I look forward to him starting a new year and a new adventure in his life.  Lunch ideas for this kid might be hard, but Lance has my back.  We already have several lunch ideas planned out for back-to-school meals this year.   Lunch ideas for kids


Lunch Ideas for Kids



What we used for lunch: Lance Toast Chee, Toasty, or Whole Grain with cheese, fruit, nuts or raisins covered in chocolate, water or juice box.

More lunch  ideas:  

1. Start with your Lance sandwich of your choice.  Add yogurt and granola.  With green tea or juice to drink.  

2. Start with your Lance sandwich of your choice. Add cheese stick and carrot sticks with dressing.  With water or Chocolate milk to drink.  

3. Start with your Lance sandwich of your choice.  Add a banana and pudding. With water or iced tea to drink.  

4. Start with your Lance sandwich of your choice. Add blueberries and cheese chunks. Since it is the end of the week we are adding a special treat, a few cookies.  With water to drink.   Do not forget the lunch idea above is really the first so there are 5 lunch ideas in all.   sandwiching lunch ideas for kids

We love that Lance Sandwiches are two awesomes on the outside and an incredible in between. They are also filling and portable for lunch. Real peanut butter or cheese in the sandwich is without high fructose corn syrup and no preservatives.  My son could not wait to pack his lunch with his favorite foods. I love the awesomeness of sandwiching and how it makes packing lunch for my son so easy.  

When Lance makes a sandwich, they put two awesome things on the outside and something incredible in the middle. Tell us how you make a sandwich in the comments section! 

Follow along with Lance on their website, as well as their Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and YouTube pages! #sandwiching


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