Melted Crayon Eggs- one way to decorate eggs

We love finding alternatives to decorating eggs.  Traditional dye is great but finding ways to mix it up is always fun for us.  Melted Crayon is one of our favorite ways to decorate the Easter Eggs over here at my house now. We found this great idea at Family Fun {melted crayon eggs}. I just love how simple it is to do with young kids.  This technique is so fun as you can create different designs on all the eggs.  We all enjoyed decorating eggs with the crayons.
Melted Crayon Eggs- one way to decorate eggs

Melted Crayon Eggs


warm hard boiled eggs


paper towel

and something to hold the eggs up to decorate (upside down egg carton, bottle cap, ice cube tray is what we used to hold our egg.)

Melted crayon eggs- one way to decorate eggs
Melted crayon eggs- one way to decorate eggs

How to make Melted Crayon Eggs:

After boiling the eggs pour out water, get your crayons and egg holder ready.  Now take a paper towel and dry the eggs (the eggs need to still be pretty warm, SO BE CAREFUL WHEN HANDLING).  Put the egg on its holder and start drawing with the crayon.  You can take the paper off the crayon and rub on the egg also.  

Melted crayon eggs- one way to decorate eggs

Little brother now 3yr got to try melted crayon art on eggs for the first time this year 2014.  I love how an old activity to me and big brother has such excitement for him.  I think we often forget just because we have seen it done a million times or done something ourselves a million times that to someone it is a wonderful first time experience.  Just as we got to enjoy once ourselves, others should have a chance to try it out as well.

Melted crayon eggs- one way to decorate eggs

These eggs are very hot/warm.  I made sure to tell him not to hold the egg but to just draw on them.  I also stayed right beside him and supervised.

We left them to sit a while and dry before we came back to check on them.  Once dry, and the eggs had cooled, he was able to hold them. He got really excited about that.

Melted crayon eggs- one way to decorate eggs

He was so proud of his eggs he could not wait for me to get a picture of them.  He was right beside them the entire time(about 5 minutes to snap a photo).  Then we left them in the house to show daddy and big brother later that day.

Doing this activity in 2012 with my oldest.

My son sitting with me at the table decorating the egg.  I had to have my son (3yr) sit in my lap to help draw on the eggs.  I didn’t want him to  handle the egg too much because they were still hot to the touch.  We had fun together making marks on the eggs.  It was neat to see the eggs melt the crayons.
Melted crayon eggs- fun way to decorate
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