Message in a Bottle- kid valentine’s day craft
During one of my late night feedings with my youngest I was wondering what new valentine crafts to try with the kids this year. I know. Who thinks about crafts half asleep at 3 am? Well, obviously I do,lol. I have had pirates on the brain too for another project I am brainstorming for my boys and I guess half asleep thinking about both I got the idea to try a valentine message in a bottle. I couldn’t wait to start gathering supplies or maybe I could wait til I had a few more hours of sleep. When I did start my morning I went through the recycling bin to find 2 bottles. Now to prep. I had 2 different bottles one glass and one plastic. I had to remove a label with goo gone and I spray painted the lids black.
After preparing the bottles I was now ready to get the kids to come craft with me. It worked out great for us to do this on a boring rainy day. All 3 of us had fun creating the message in a bottle valentine’s day craft.
Message in a Bottle- kid valentine’s day craft
Supplies/What we used:
1 glass bottle(great for older kids)
1 plastic bottle(great for younger kids)
spray paint(mommy did this part)
Valentine’s day stickers
construction paper
What we did:
I gave the boys a handful of stickers and their bottles( big brother got the glass one and little brother got the plastic one). They put stickers all over their bottles. I then gave them both a sheet of paper cut in half with a crayon to write a message. I tied yarn into a bow on the bottles while they did this. Once through writing their message, or coloring a picture, I rolled the paper and tied yarn around it. We then stuck them down in the bottle.
I think these Valentine’s day messages in a bottle could be great gifts for family and friends. Maybe even add some candy to one and give it to a teacher. These would also be fun to keep at home, as we are, and just write messages or color pictures for each other to receive. How would you use your bottle? As always we hope you and your kids can have fun with this idea too.

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These would be great to make for my son’s teachers.
I LOVE this Jaime! My son can’t write yet (he’s only 2) but he scribbles and pretends that he’s written something. I’m thinking we’ll have to do this for Daddy for Valentines’s Day.
Love it love it love it! Really good gift for Valentine’s Day!
these are just precious 🙂
These are so cute! I bet everyone would love receiving a message in a bottle
thank you all, we had a lot of fun making them. glad to know others like them:-)
Hi there 🙂 Thanks for linking this to Tuesday Tots. Just letting you know that I’ve featured this post on this week’s TTs. You can see it here: ( and collect a featured button if you like 🙂
This is super cute! My kids would love this. I’d love for you to link it up at my new Share and Tell linky!
Adorable! I featured them this week on the weekly kids co-op at Housing a Forest:)
What a great idea! I love that they get to put a message in the bottle for someone special, this would be perfect for my girls to make for Grandma! I would love for you to share this on our Kids Linky
I used your idea for my Preschool class last year and we are going to do it again this year. We decorated the bottles and added ribbon and smiley face pins. Inside the children put pictures they colored and Smile Grams which told them they were the recipient of a random act of kindness–a $5 coupon. Then I contacted the two grocery stores in town. we gave them each $25 dollars and 5 bottles. We asked them to choose 1 customer a day for the next week to give a bottle too. The owners are really good about knowing which customers could really use a boost! One of the recipients wrote us a thank you note! Thanks for the great idea!
hi, 5star! thanks so much for taking the time to come back and share your story. it has really touched me and i am so happy to be a small part in your inspiration for such a wonderful activity/RAK you all carried out. all the best, Jaime