Mustache “bombing”
I saw a pin on pinterest for “eye bombing” they took googly eye and glued them in random place in their town (for ex. a pc of fruit had eye on it). So I have been on this “mustache craze” lately. I know, I know so going with the crowd on this one(the ‘stache thing). I have been working hard on my son’s 1st bday party and had printed out photo props. Which included mustaches. I had some that didn’t cut out the way I wanted. I decide what better time to try our own” mustache bombing” instead of eye bombing.
Big brother started out putting on one.
Then he got to sticking.( I just put tape on the back on the paper ‘stache’s) He put them on my jars and picture frames.
Excuse my button frame it needs repair:-( no excuses I should have glued the button back on all the times I have out my glue gun. I always forget where I put the button,lol. Don’t want to leave it out and my oldest put it in the floor for the 11 mo old to get.
OK, back to mustache bombing. He then said his picture needed one.

Hope you and your kids can have some silly fun with this too!

That is so cute. What a fun idea!
Cute! I love the mustache on the light switch lol.
Thanks for stopping by:-)