Natural Chamomile Playdough Recipe

It is time for another fun 12 months of sensory dough recipe!  Last month was edible playdough and this month is natural playdough.  I have been holding on to this box of chamomile tea for a long time waiting to use it in a play recipe.  Today the day finally came.  This no cook, natural chamomile playdough recipe is easy to make.  The kids can even help if they want.  Once I made it, I could not wait to set it out for the kids to play with.


NO COOK Chamomile Playdough Recipe



Natural Chamomile Playdough Recipe

no cook natural chamomile playdough recipe



Supplies/what I used:










chamomile tea



natural playdough tray



How to make chamomile tea playdough:


To start, gather ingredients.  Pour 2 cups of flour in a bowl.  Next add 1 cup of salt.  I used olive oil and added 1 tsp.  Last add 1 cup of water. Now mix well with your hands.


Once the dough was ready I opened 3 tea bags and kneaded the tea into the playdough. Now it was ready!


DIY Chamomile Playdough


This playdough had a nice light scent.  I gathered some play dishes and a tray.  I set the playdough and dishes on the tray and let the kids start playing.


natural chamomile playdough pretend play for kids



I also gave them a little sugar in a bowl but I wished I had used salt.  The sugar made the playdough sticky at the end of playtime.  I think salt would have been better as fake sugar.  I put a few tea bags out too.


tea playdough play activity for kids


The kids filled the cups with “tea”.  They added the tea tags we saved to the cups.


Chamomile Playdough Play idea for kids



Soon one of my kids opened the tea bags and poured them in his tea pot.  Then he poured the tea onto the Chamomile playdough in the cups.


This was not only a fun hands on sensory play activity for the kids but great parented play too.

no cook playdough recipe

Last month’s dough recipe from us:

Edible Cream Cheese Playdough

edible cream cheese playdough




More Natural Playdough Recipes below:

Natural Play Dough with Natural Dye | Lemon Lime Adventures
No Cook Lemon Scented Natural Play Dough | Natural Beach Living

Natural Chamomile Playdough Recipe | Frogs and Snails and Puppy Dog Tail

Paprika Natural Play Dough Recipe | Sugar Aunts


Natural Playdough | Squiggles and Bubbles


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