Octopus Toilet Paper Roll Craft


You can not go wrong with a fun toilet paper roll craft.  Great for multiple ages and so many possibilities to turn these rolls into cute crafts.  One afternoon the kids kept asking for something to do.  I found a few saved toilet paper rolls and decided to let them make an Octopus Toilet Paper Roll Craft.  This was a big hit with my 4 and 6yr.



Octopus toilet paper roll craft for kids



Octopus Toilet Paper Roll Craft



Supplies/what we used:


crayola paints


toilet paper roll


glitter and googly eyes from craftprojectideas.com – thanks for our free goodies!




paper plate


paint brush




How to make/what we did:


I took the toilet paper rolls and cut halfway up the tube.  I counted out 8 legs and it was done.  I gave the kids the toilet paper roll and paint.  They painted their toilet paper rolls.  One chose orange and another chose blue.




I am sure you can cut the toilet paper roll after they paint but we just did it first on ours.  Once painted, we sprinkled glitter all over them.  Glitter makes everything more exciting.



We left them to dry on the paper plate.  We used the paper plate to paint them on.  I also added the paint to the plate for them to use.  It made clean up pretty easy.




When the octopus craft was dry we added the googly eyes!  Now they were so cute.  Fun, simple, and cute octopus craft for the kids to make.  This was a perfect way to have fun and kept us from being bored anymore.


octopus craft


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