Octopus Water Sensory Bin

We love water play at my house.  It was one of the first activities my 2 oldest started enjoying together at a young age.  As they have gotten older they still love it.  Now we have to include baby brother in water playtime.  I love that this became an activity they can all enjoy and bond over.  Since the youngest is 1 yr and the oldest is 5 yr I have to try and find something they all can enjoy. This Octopus Water Sensory Bin was enjoyed by the 2 younger ones.  As the mom of 3, I have also found for my kids they like to have simple setups at times and then add their own “stuff” to it.  So for today’s water bin set up I left it easy peasy for me and then let them grab whatever they wanted that was water safe.  I enjoyed sitting down to watch them and they enjoyed wetting mommy.  Fun afternoon at my house.
Octopus Water Sensory Bin

Octopus Water Sensory Bin

Octopus Water Sensory Bin

what we used:

water bin or under the bed storage container

water toys

food coloring

water of course

Octopus Water Sensory Bin

What we did:

I filled the bin with warm water.  I then added a tiny bit of green food coloring.  Then added our octopus water toys.

Octopus Water Sensory Bin

Simple is best at my house most days.  As the mom to 3 I have found that my kids enjoy a simple setup with the chance to bring other items they want to playtime.  We do not always do this but they do play like this most of the time.  

Octopus Water Sensory Bin

You can see our large outside box behind the bin.  It is full of toys.  I let them pick and chose what else they want to play with.  Water guns, water shooters, cups, bottles…  All fun items to have for water play.

Octopus Water Sensory Bin

These little toy octopuses have been a favorite of Baby Brothers when on the deck lately.  That is one reason I chose to set up a water bin around them.  Instead of just running around with them he could put them in water.

Octopus Water Sensory Bin

This is also great to try out the classic sink or float experiment too. Color recognition and water explorations are also pluses for this bin.

Octopus Water Sensory Bin

Both little brother and baby brother had fun in this bin.  Great for sibling bonding and for multi-ages.  They are 3 yr and 1 yr.

Octopus Water Sensory Bin
A great way to have fun and stay cool this summer with an Octopus Water Sensory Bin on the deck.
More Posts to check out:
Over 20 Water Bin Play Activities For Kids

So thrilled to have had a chance to work on it. Pop! Squirt! Splash! with some blogging friends.  This book is packed full of simple, yet, oh so fun ideas for the kids.

pop squirt splash

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Pop! Squirt! Splash!: Hands-On Activities for Kids Using Soap, Water, & Bubbles

EBOOK here!

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