Peppermint Cloud Dough

I know we still have a little while till Christmas but it is never too early to get in the holiday spirit. My kids actually kept their small Christmas tree up all year in their room.  They just could not part with the lights.  I did manage to pack up the ornaments last year but that was as far as I got. They will only be little for a short time so a Christmas tree year round was ok with me.  So in hopes to get the Christmas planning under way, we set out to have fun with a Christmas inspired play activity.  The peppermint cloud dough sensory tray was a hit with the kids.

Peppermint Cloud Dough for Sensory Play

Peppermint Cloud Dough

supplies for peppermint cloud dough

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Supplies/what I used:


*cooking oil

*red and green sequins

*small bowls and spoons

*a few Christmas cookie cutters

peppermint cloud dough tray

How to make peppermint cloud dough:

I took 1 1/2 cups of flour and poured in a bowl.  I sprinkled in powder paint.  Next I poured oil in.  I did not measure but I would say a 1/2 cup to start and add more if needed.  I wanted the cloud dough to me moldable but not sticky.   Last but not least add a few drops of  Peppermint Essential oils.  The scent was my favorite part!

peppermint cloud dough sensory tray

I went with a simple setup.  Simple is best most often for my kids. I got out a tray.  I put the green cloud dough in one bowl and the red cloud dough in another.  Added a few more bowls, spoons, and sequins. That was it.

peppermint cloud dough recipe

The kids wanted to know if Christmas was coming soon because this was a Christmas inspired play idea.  And yes it will be here before I now it.  We can never start getting excited about it too soon.

sensory tray

The peppermint cloud dough sensory tray was a fun hands on play activity for my multi-aged kids.  My 2yr, 4yr, and 6 yr all enjoyed it. A great way to explore sight, smell, and touch.

peppermint cloud dough

I am so excited to be teaming up with Mom Inspired Life to bring you 4 weeks total of Christmas inspiration.  Be sure to head over and see what fun her and the kids had this week.

Christmas Tree Sensory Bag on Mom Inspired Life

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