Pumpkin Spice Candy Corn Science Experiment

We love Candy Science!  It is fun and easy for young kids to enjoy. I also love that we get to use up some holiday candy so we do not eat it.  Last year on Mamas Like Me, she shared More Candy Experiments.  In this post I noticed the Candy Corn Experiment. I made a mental note to come back and try it this year with the kids. Today we got out our Pumpkin Spice Candy Corn and put it to use in a fun candy science experiment for the kids.
Pumpkin Spice Candy Corn Science Experiment

Pumpkin Spice Candy Corn Science Experiment

Pumpkin Spice Candy Corn Science

What we used:

plastic containers

pumpkin spice candy corn


Pumpkin Spice Candy Corn Science

To start we talked about what we would do to test the candy corn.  We chose to fill 3 different sized containers with water at different temperatures(cold, warm, hot). 

Pumpkin Spice Candy Corn Science Experiment

Then the kids and I decided we would add different amounts of candy corn to each container.  We would see if the different amounts and temperatures had any affect on the experiment.

Pumpkin Spice Candy Corn Science Experiment

I asked the kids to make predictions on what would happen to the candy corn in the water.  One said it would grow and one said it would dissolve.

Pumpkin Spice Candy Corn Science Experiment
my oldest noted the water was bubbling

We left the experiment sitting on the counter a few minutes and  when I came back into the kitchen I noticed the candy skin was coming off or shedding.  I got the kids to come back and check it out.

Pumpkin Spice Candy Corn Science Experiment

After a little observation we left the containers again on the counter.

Pumpkin Spice Candy Corn Science Experiment

We came back later and finished investigating the candy corn experiment.  We saw the candy did dissolve leaving a coating behind.  The candy changed the color of the water and the large container smelled just like pumpkin spice.

Pumpkin Spice Candy Corn Science Experiment

The kids also mixed them up and touched it with their fingers to investigate even more.  There are so many ways you could test this one candy.    

Pumpkin Spice Candy Corn Science Experiment
The kids always get excited when they hear science time.  We hope you can get excited too for a candy corn experiment.
more post to check out:




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