Q-Tip Rainbow Craft for Kids
The kids had so much fun with our Q-tip heart paintings a few years ago I thought it was time to do it again. With Spring on my mind we ended up trying a fun Q-tip Rainbow craft one afternoon. This craft is also great for fine motor skills. It is fun and easy to do too. The kids wanted to keep making them once we started. But after we had no more room to set out papers to dry we just had to stop, lol. Another day will come and we will get the Q-tips back out. So glad they had fun and now we have new pictures for our art wall.
Q-Tip Rainbow Craft for Kids
Supplies/what we used:
acrylic paints- from craftprojectideas.com
sharpie markers
q-tips or cotton swabs
white cardstock paper
How to make a q-tip rainbow craft with kids:
To start I got out some white cardstock paper. I like this paper because it is thicker than construction paper. However, construction paper would work too. Next I got out a red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple sharpie marker. Now I traced a rainbow with all of the markers on the paper.
The kids came in and had one Q-tip or cotton swab for each color paint. They started with the red paint and dipped the cotton swab in it. Then they dotted the paint in the same colored area of the rainbow.
This craft was a lot of fun for them and easy on me to set up. Win win for all of us. Now to figure out what kids arts and craft projects to try out next. I am sure the kids will request more Q-tip crafts soon.
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