Rainbow Salt Clover Craft for Kids

Things have been extra busy over here for us the last few months.  With my focus on other things, we have not done any (I think) St. Patrick’s Day CRAFTS.  I finally had a day that I could sit down with my toddler and create a Rainbow Salt Clover.  We both had a lot of fun with this process art project.  I was not sure how pretty it would be, but it was definitely fun to make.
 Rainbow Salt Clover Craft for Kids

 Rainbow Salt Clover Craft for Kids
Rainbow Salt Tray
This is a fun way to create textured art with the kids.  It is also a fun way to explore the sense of touch too.

What we used:

colored salt


small bowl


clover printable

What we did:

I sat the tray up for my toddler to create a rainbow salt clover.  I used the tray to hold in the mess I knew would follow once he started.

He added glue to the clover.  Usually he goes crazy with the glue but he was so excited about the salt he put the glue down.  I added a little extra glue to the clover so he would have an area for the salt to stick to.  


He loved the texture of the salt as he sprinkled it over the glue. After doing that a few times he could not resist pouring the salt out on the paper.  Since this is a process art project, and not product, how he went about creating his masterpiece didn’t matter.  As long as he had fun and was able to explore through this activity he was doing it right. 

2 free printables:
We enjoyed crafting together this day and it was just what I needed to make myself forget about the laundry… for a little while and spend some quality time with my son.
We hope you and your kids can enjoy creating a salt clover/shamrock too.

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