Recycled Paper To Make Rainbow Artwork

What do you do with the left over paper scraps from craft/art projects? We always have tons of leftover paper from projects. I often wonder what to do with it.  I hate to just throw it out when we could create something else with it.  Often I wind up with stacks of paper scraps and when the right occasion to use them comes up I forget they are there.  Crazy right!  Well that is my life,lol.  I got lucky this time and had the scrap paper still sitting on the kitchen counter when the idea came to me to use it for another rainbow craft.  I set out to plan our activity.

Recycled paper to make rainbow artwork
Recycled Paper To Make Rainbow Artwork

What you need to make the rainbow artwork

We recently made marbled rainbow clover garland for the up coming holiday.  I had the left over paper from this craft sitting on the kitchen counter unsure what I wanted to do with it.  All the beautiful colors were perfect to make a rainbow. Or even just use in a rainbow themed project.  So I cut up all the paper into pieces.  Older kids could help with this.  I did this while the kids were sleeping to be ready to go the next day.  I then separated the colors into separate section of a muffin tin.  I gathered  sheets of paper and glue.  Last I drew on one sheet the colors that are used in a rainbow.  Just one simple line for each color.
What we did to create our rainbow artwork

I have a 4yr and 2yr that I planned this project for.  I quite often set the projects up slightly different for both of them to be able to enjoy.  That is what I did with this art project.  For my preschooler I gave him the sheet with the rainbow color lines drawn on it.  I told him we would practice matching up the correct color recycled paper to the color line drawn to create a rainbow.  He set out to glue the paper to the color lines.  As you can see he ended up creating his own version of a rainbow.  His own unique masterpiece.  

For my toddler I just allowed him to interpret what he wanted his artwork to be.  I gave him one sheet of paper, glue, and recycled paper squares to do as he would with them.  We talked about the colors of the square pieces.   He was in complete heaven with his glue stick.   One of his current favorite art supplies.  I don’t know what it is about glue that make kids so happy to apply it to paper and everything else,hahah.
Note:  you could use colored construction paper and cut into squared pieces for this project.  You could also make marbled sheets just for this project.
Recycled Paper To Make Rainbow Artwork
I just loved the end result. Both kids came out with their own rainbow themed artworks.  They learned a little about colors and had lots of fun with the glue sticks in the process.  Now we have a few more pictures to hang up to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day.  We chose to hang them close to baby brothers seat and he just loves staring up at the bright colors.  As always we hope you and your kids can have a little fun with this project too.
Recycled Paper To Make Rainbow Artwork
Big brothers
Recycled Paper To Make Rainbow Artwork
Little brothers

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       All kids are different and only you can decide how you let your kids play. And with what materials you let them play with. My children are supervised when playing. Please keep this in mind with any post you read of mine!      

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