Salt and Glue Heart Art

Salt and Glue Art with the kids has been on my list to do for sometime now.  We finally got around to trying it out with our homemade scented watercolors.  We love trying arts and crafts out at my house.  It is just one of the things that keeps us busy during our days.  It is even more special when I can turn art and craft time into one on one time with my boys.  That is what my oldest and I did this day.  We spent time painting together while the little ones napped.  I love these moments and hold them dear.
Salt and Glue Heart Art

Salt and Glue Heart Art

Salt and Glue Heart Art

I set my son up with a salt and glue heart to paint.  This was our first time trying this art technique. He was excited to try it out. 

Salt and Glue Heart Art

What we used:

Homemade scented watercolors

white cardstock



paint brush

Salt and Glue Heart Art

Our set up was simple.  I had pre made the salted glue heart while he was sleeping.  I glued a heart outline on cardstock and sprinkled salt over it and left it to dry.  This is why I chose to do it without him.  He would not have wanted to wait for it to dry to paint it. 

Salt and Glue Heart Art

When he woke up the glue had dried.  I set the salt/glue heart out with the homemade watercolors for him to paint.  He got to watch the watercolors travel through the salt. He started tapping the salt with the watercolors to see what would happen over and over.  Each time the color expanded just a bit.  He also loved the cherry scented watercolors and kept telling me how good they smelled.  He wanted to know how I made them and said he really liked them. 

Salt and Glue Heart Art

Maybe you and your kids can enjoy this too.

More post:

Conversation Heart Sensory Paint- cheap and easy to make

Conversation Heart Sensory Paint- cheap and easy to make
DIY Glitter Puffy Paint to Make Valentine's Day Hearts

More Salt Art fun from another fun mom click here~ 

Valentine’s Day Fine Motor Sparkle Craft by Sugar Aunts

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