Search Results for: label/10 things kids love

10+ Thanksgiving Ideas Kids Love

Here on this 10 Things Kids Love are Thanksgiving ideas for kids since it is right around the corner for us here in the USA.  This has always been a fun time of year for me and the kids to try out new ideas and

10 Earth Day Activities for Kids

We love to find fun ways to celebrate Earth Day over here. Teaching the kids how to care for the Earth is important, but having a little fun along the way is ok too. This post is packed full of kid activities for Earth Day.  10 Earth

10 Ideas For Chalkboard Paint Kids Love

I love chalkboard paint!  “Why?” you may ask.  Because you can take almost any average surface and turn it into a sensational one!  My experiences with chalkboard paint have been pretty good so far turning everyday surfaces into chalkboards for decoration and play.  Since

10 Water Play Activities Kids Love

    It is time for another 10 Things Kids Love.   With the weather warming up I deiced to put together 10 water play ideas we love.  We love water play.  It is a great sensory activity and great for multi-aged kids.  Water play has

10 Turkey Crafts For Kids {ages 2yr -5yr}

With Thanksgiving Day fast approach here in the USA I want to dedicate this weeks 10 Things Kids Love to Turkey crafts.  These children’s crafts are geared toward the age group 2yr to 5yr.  Not to say that some younger and some older may not be able to

10 Washi Tape Crafts Kids Love

So thrilled to have Melissa from Mama Miss  here today to share with us for this weeks 10 Things Kids Love!  Her blog is packed full of brilliant ideas from kids crafts, to great dinners, free printables…  You need to check her out you

10+ Easter Activities Kids Love

Another fun Holiday edition of 10 Things Kids Love.  With Easter fast approaching I wanted to gather 10 awesome things kids love for you to look through.  This list is made up of Easter activities, crafts, treats, goody bags and more.  Hopefully you will be able to find a few

10 St. Patrick’s Day Things Kids Love

Its time for another 10 Things Kids Love.  For this one I will share 10 St. Patrick’s Day things kids love.  I love St. Patrick’s Day. Well, I really think I love most holidays .  I love having an excuse to have extra fun

10 Valentine’s Activities Kids Love

                          It’s time for another 10 Things Kid’s Love.  With Valentines Day coming up I wanted to round up a few things your kids may love for the holiday.  I have so

10+ Christmas Activities Kids Love

  Christmas is right around the corner.  Knowing this I wanted to put together our next 10 things Kids Love on that.  Here is a fun list for you to hopefully find an idea that you and your family can enjoy during the holiday season.